Sync / Backup Addon ?
I am using the Backup program from the KODI repository, which works quite well. I mainly use it for backing up a custom folder on my local hardrive.

The only thing that I am missing is a "delete option": if files are deleted on the source, they should be also deleted on the target.
and a "skip option": if files are equal on the source and the target, only new files should be copied, others should be skipped.
I know, I can select keep only 1 Backup, but I don't want the whole Backup/copying process of all files over and over again.

So bascially I am not looking for a Backup addon, I am looking for a Sync Addon.
Is something like this available as addon? Or how difficult would it be to implent this "sync" function in the Backup addon? Somebody tried something like this?

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