Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
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Kodi Blog Posts
(2019-09-26, 19:35)DarrenHill Wrote: Whilst our website and main donations page remains down
Are there any news why? There are buzzing rumors around web like a targeted DDos attack or forced server shutdown by NSA on together behalf of Amazon, Inc. and Netflix, Inc.
The rumors or reasons about our website's demise have been greatly exaggerated. Cool
To all Kodi Team Members and Developers. I want to say thank you for all your work during these trying times we are all facing now. A lot of us find relief from the days worries and uncertainties with your program Kodi. I understand enough about web base coding and how it can change right at the second and you guys are right there to fix it I want to say thank you so much for keeping Kodi going and you will see a donation from me for your support and I hope others will follow...

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