2021-02-09, 21:52
(2021-02-09, 20:10)Aaiemron Wrote:(2019-10-10, 16:20)mardukL Wrote:Very nice skin with a lot of great options.
NOTE: at the current state you're not able to change the widget position afterwards ( e.g. move widget pos 1 to pos 5 )
Sorry for Typos & wrong Spelling
Any idea when you will make it possible to change the widget position?
Sorry, no idea atm.
Its indeed a wished and needed Option but unsure when i start to try figuring out if that is even possible without using addon.
But its on to do list.
(2021-02-09, 19:00)fantasticn Wrote: @mardukL
thanks for your reply.
As to No.1:
When I have the entry linked to any kind of addon or android app it seems like your call will not only start that specific addon or app but also jump into the respective folder (ActivateWindow?). At least when you close that addon or app you will find yourself not in main menu again but in the addons view.
As to No.2:
Same as no. 1: E.g. if you have favorites or super favorites as a widget with addons or apps listed and you start one of those addons/apps, after you close it again you will not return to the main menu but to the addons view.
Thanks for your explanation. But I still don't get it. Both sections (path and target) will include parameters that you will call with the "ActivateWindow"-command, correct? So do we need these different sections anyway? Btw.: How does "ActivateWindow" work for a widget? And can you actually have a "target window" as a widget? I would assume you would always need a path with the items in such path shown as the widget. Also I had tried some of the Windows-IDs listed in the Kodi wiki ( https://kodi.wiki/view/Window_IDs ) as a "Target". But they all did not work.
as to No. 3 and 4:
Just take your time. I was just adding items to your list ;-)
And here we go with some more:
You have weather listed as a possible entry for the main menu. But it does not work. Also you cannot include it as a widget. I assume it is also not done yet.
Btw.: I am not tyring to put any pressure on you. So please excuse if I sound like that. It's just that now that I have installed SWAN on all my machines I somehow cannot wait for all the features to work ;-)
Again, thanks for your hard work and your support!
Here you'll see how ..
the main menu items are used.
if custom executebuiltin is set use it
if custom target is set but path empty do activatewindow(target,return)
if custom target and path is set do activatewindow(target,path,return)
- a custom target can be used without custom path
- a custom path will not be used without a custom target
-> if that is wished you'll be forced to set a custom executebuiltin
- video/audio plugins should be avail in corresponding shortcut section (if addon creators "flagged" it for that ) and will usage of custom advanced obsolete
<extension point="xbmc.python.pluginsource" library="plugin.py">
main menu item template
<include name="mainmenu_item">
<item id="900$PARAM[id]">
<!-- set skin search term -->
<onclick condition="String.IsEqual(Skin.String(mainmenuitem$PARAM[nr]_path),1120)">Skin.SetString(SearchTerm)</onclick>
<!-- https://kodi.wiki/view/List_of_built-in_functions - e.g. EjectTray() , RipCD , VideoLibrary.Search ... etc -->
<onclick condition="!String.IsEmpty(Skin.String(mainmenuitem$PARAM[nr]_executebuiltin))">$INFO[Skin.String(mainmenuitem$PARAM[nr]_executebuiltin)]</onclick>
<!-- window targeting - if path empty - https://kodi.wiki/view/Opening_Windows_and_Dialogs -->
<onclick condition="String.IsEmpty(Skin.String(mainmenuitem$PARAM[nr]_executebuiltin)) + String.IsEmpty(Skin.String(mainmenuitem$PARAM[nr]_path))">ActivateWindow($INFO[Skin.String(mainmenuitem$PARAM[nr]_target)],return)</onclick>
<!-- window & path targeting - https://kodi.wiki/view/Opening_Windows_and_Dialogs -->
<onclick condition="String.IsEmpty(Skin.String(mainmenuitem$PARAM[nr]_executebuiltin)) + !String.IsEmpty(Skin.String(mainmenuitem$PARAM[nr]_path))">ActivateWindow($INFO[Skin.String(mainmenuitem$PARAM[nr]_target),,$COMMA]$INFO[Skin.String(mainmenuitem$PARAM[nr]_path)],return)</onclick>
widgets item template reference https://kodi.wiki/view/Dynamic_List_Content
<content target="$INFO[Skin.String(userwidget$PARAM[nr]_target)]" limit="$INFO[Skin.String(userwidget$PARAM[nr]_limit)]" sortorder="$INFO[Skin.String(userwidget$PARAM[nr]_sortorder)]" sortby="$INFO[Skin.String(userwidget$PARAM[nr]_sortby)]">$INFO[Skin.String(userwidget$PARAM[nr]_path)]</content>
And yepp, weather widget need to be static items for - didnt worked on that
weather window is not defined - didnt worked on that
By writing this, i found 2 issues which will be fixed soon.
(missed reset string at set custom target, 2 times the same action for custom executebuiltin
"new" Widget Layout is ready