Using themoviedb scraper for tvshows
I was testing to see how themoviedb scraper works with tvshows, and noticed something strange.

Testing was done with the Banshee serie btw.

If i use the themoviedb scraper, part of the cast is missing, not only from the series cast but also in the episode cast. Trieste Kelly Dunn for example (30 episodes), is not listed in series cast or the episodes she played in. Same goes for Demetrius Grosse (20 episodes) for example.

Chris Coy however (9 episodes) is part of the series cast.

If i scrape the series with the thetvdb scraper, they are both there as series cast (and episode).

Am i missing something?

*I noticed the same problem with Kodi is you use extended info on the serie. 

*Reason i tested this is to get all actor pictures the same across movies and tvshows and if i recall correctly, themoviedb separates series cast from episode cast.

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Using themoviedb scraper for tvshows0