2019-11-27, 06:55
Looney Tunes Golden Collection
There is currently no TV Show listing for this collection at TheMovieDB and TVDB. Each of the 356 cartoons can only be scraped as a Movie, which means an additional 356 movies that you need to scroll through in your movie library.
I have converted these 356 movies into a single TV Show broken down into 6 Seasons (Volumes).
The downloadable rar file includes the following...
How to use:
Although most of the hard work is done, you will need to spend a bit of time renaming your 356 video files to match the nfo files and episode artwork.
Alternatively you could rename the 712 nfo files and episode artwork, but that would just be silly
Updated Download link (51MB)... Looney Tunes Golden Collection.rar
(valid until- No Expiry)
google index
Note: There are no video files in these downloads. The downloads contain metadata and artwork only which is freely available on the internet.
Click here for La Case de Papel / Money Heist NFO Files
There is currently no TV Show listing for this collection at TheMovieDB and TVDB. Each of the 356 cartoons can only be scraped as a Movie, which means an additional 356 movies that you need to scroll through in your movie library.
I have converted these 356 movies into a single TV Show broken down into 6 Seasons (Volumes).
The downloadable rar file includes the following...
- TV Show and 6 Season folders
- NFO Files for each episode and the TV Show
- Artwork for the TV Show, Seasons, episodes and actors.
How to use:
- Extract the rar file into your Kodi TV Show Source folder.
- Delete the dummy mkv files and replace with your own video files. Filenames (not file extension) must match the dummy files you just deleted
- Scan the show into your TV Show library
Although most of the hard work is done, you will need to spend a bit of time renaming your 356 video files to match the nfo files and episode artwork.
Alternatively you could rename the 712 nfo files and episode artwork, but that would just be silly
Updated Download link (51MB)... Looney Tunes Golden Collection.rar
(valid until- No Expiry)
google index
Note: There are no video files in these downloads. The downloads contain metadata and artwork only which is freely available on the internet.
Click here for La Case de Papel / Money Heist NFO Files