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Another changing buttons question
I have read the wiki and searched hundreds of threads and still cant figure out how, or if, what I am trying can be done.
I have a couple hundred dvds ripped to iso. I have them set up under 'MyVideos' with dvd covers, info etc.
I also have a ton of my own home avi's that I want to add, on a different frive, but dont want them mixed with my dvds.
After reading the wiki I figured I could change the 'myprograms' to work as myvideos2, and according to the wiki I can have that button point to a different default than the myvideo.
So following the wiki I changed the home.xml for 'myprograms' to point to 'myvideos', and using the white button tried to change the default path to a different place than 'myvideos'.
No matter what I do I keep seeing the same videos in both places. (MyPrograms and MyVideos).

Is there a way to do this? Am I missing something?

(Also, where is the sources.xml found?)

Thanks in advance
sources.xml is in userdata (search not working eh?Wink)

you need to append a parameter to the second button.

xbmc.activatewindow(videofiles) open's on the last visited location
xbmc.activatewindow(videofiles,some://path/) opens on some://path

so what you want is to stick those params on your buttons, one that opens your dvd folder, one that opens your home video folder.
spiff Wrote:so what you want is to stick those params on your buttons, one that opens your dvd folder, one that opens your home video folder.

Before I go and screw this up, let me make sure I am understanding this correctly.

1.Can I leave the 'myvideos' alone since it is opening the correct folder now?
2.Can I just stick the params you noted on the 'myprograms' button, like so (xbmc.activatewindow(videofiles,smb://gt5408/f/homevideos/))?
btw, gt5408 is my home pc name

3.Last question: Do I make the changes in the sources.xml?

Thanks for the help.......
1. yes. but it won't quite give you have you want. if you first do the myprograms button, then go back to menu, then do myvideos it will take you to the homevideos folder as well (as i said, previous location..). you probably want to replace that one with one taking you to your dvd folder.
2. yes
3. no. this has nothing to do with sources. you make the modifications in home.xml in whatever skin you are running (and whatever aspect ratio / resolution).
4. again, read the friendly manual - all of this is in there
spiff Wrote:4. again, read the friendly manual - all of this is in there

Yep, thats why I only have 3 posts but have been here for almost 2 months! I read and read and read.
I will try what you posted tonight.
Thanks for the help.
Just wanted to say thanks again. Followed your post and it worked great!
Reviving a bit of a dead thread here.....

Ok, I have researched this and read the online manual, I just can not seem to get the syntax correct, and hope someone can help me out that last little bit:

I am trying to change a button, to load up a hard coded directory that contains home movies.

I found this in the documentation:
Quote: * You want a button in your skin or on your remote taking you directly to the movie listing you let that button do


I am not using the "video library" just a directory of video files, thus I think the command is VIDEOFILES instead of VIDEOLIBRARY.

What the example in the documentation does not describe, is how to pass a path with the button.

I have tried the following variations (and many more actually) with no success thus far:

<onclick>xbmc.activatewindow(videofiles,L:/Video/Home Movies/)</onclick>

<onclick>(xbmc.activatewindow(videofiles,L://Video/Home Movies/))</onclick>

Seems just to be a matter of getting the syntax correct.. as I think I am on the right path....

Any help is greatly appreciated!
Intel Quad core 4.6 Ghz / Windows 11 Pro / 64 gigs RAM/ MCE Remote /45 Tb storage / Intel i9 13900k with a RTX 4070 via HDMI to a 80" LED TV / just over 7,400 movies

Have you entered your 5 Movies? - Support as THE best open source movie information site.
Instead of doing all that I now just use this skin here:

Its a modded PM3-HD skin that has seperate buttons for;
TV Shows

Add a source (folder) to the videos button that contains all your home movies.
(Each can point to a different folder.)
Thanks, but I am not really looking for another skin. I have heavily modded my skin already to have the separate TV/Movies, amongst a lot of other things ect..... I just need to get this one button to link to my home movies folder, and I will have it the way I want.

I did try to download the skin from your link, to see how they called the folder, but the link is bad...

I know it's just a syntax problem.....
Intel Quad core 4.6 Ghz / Windows 11 Pro / 64 gigs RAM/ MCE Remote /45 Tb storage / Intel i9 13900k with a RTX 4070 via HDMI to a 80" LED TV / just over 7,400 movies

Have you entered your 5 Movies? - Support as THE best open source movie information site.
JohnWPB Wrote:Reviving a bit of a dead thread here.....

Ok, I have researched this and read the online manual, I just can not seem to get the syntax correct, and hope someone can help me out that last little bit:

I am trying to change a button, to load up a hard coded directory that contains home movies.

I found this in the documentation:

I am not using the "video library" just a directory of video files, thus I think the command is VIDEOFILES instead of VIDEOLIBRARY.

What the example in the documentation does not describe, is how to pass a path with the button.

I have tried the following variations (and many more actually) with no success thus far:

<onclick>xbmc.activatewindow(videofiles,L:/Video/Home Movies/)</onclick>

<onclick>(xbmc.activatewindow(videofiles,L://Video/Home Movies/))</onclick>

Seems just to be a matter of getting the syntax correct.. as I think I am on the right path....

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Mine had to be:

If you notice, I have the 'smb://gt5408' part in mine. That points to my network and the 'gt5408' is my computer. I dont see that in your example.

I would go to your xbox and click on add source, and take note of the path to the folder you want.

Looks to me like you may have left out part of the path in your example.

(or am I way off base and you arent streaming from a network?)
Ouch! I followed a link from another post to this thread, and did not pay attention. I posted in the wrong thread!

The link I followed was in the XBMC for Windows sub forum. I should have payed more attention, but also do not understand the link from the windows version to the xbox version Smile

In my case the drive is connected locally, and not on a network. I need to figure out how to get the correct path for a local drive, as you have done with the network for the Xbox.

I tried every mix and match of syntax, and just can not seem to get it.....
Intel Quad core 4.6 Ghz / Windows 11 Pro / 64 gigs RAM/ MCE Remote /45 Tb storage / Intel i9 13900k with a RTX 4070 via HDMI to a 80" LED TV / just over 7,400 movies

Have you entered your 5 Movies? - Support as THE best open source movie information site.
dtviewer Wrote:Instead of doing all that I now just use this skin here:

Its a modded PM3-HD skin that has seperate buttons for;
TV Shows

Add a source (folder) to the videos button that contains all your home movies.
(Each can point to a different folder.)

link is this file available anywhere else?

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