Add folder/poster image to .strm internet radio file
Hello everyone,

I would like to add an internet radio station to my kodi. I couldn't find specific information regarding streaming (.strm) files but there are some wiki pages that are relevant to music albums.

I created the following structure:


I can see the myradio.strm by manually going into Music -> Files and I can make it play. BUT, updating the library does not add an icon/album option into my library. Its as if kodi skips it entirely.

The contents of the album.nfo:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <title>My Radio</title>

I would appreciate some help creating a proper library icon.

Thank you.
NVIDIA Shield 2015 -> HDMI -> ONKYO TX-NR609 -> HDMI -> SONY Bravia (9 years old now...)

ONKYO -> lots of cables -> BOSE
The .strm extension is already there by default.
NVIDIA Shield 2015 -> HDMI -> ONKYO TX-NR609 -> HDMI -> SONY Bravia (9 years old now...)

ONKYO -> lots of cables -> BOSE

\music\myradio\myradio.tbn (thumbnail file just rename the jpeg and make sure the filename matches strm file but with the tbn extension)
I will give that a try, thank you.

Reading some other posts, people say that .strm files are not added to the library at all no matter what, they are just not supported:
NVIDIA Shield 2015 -> HDMI -> ONKYO TX-NR609 -> HDMI -> SONY Bravia (9 years old now...)

ONKYO -> lots of cables -> BOSE
No .strm files are not added to the music library, but they can be played by the audio player.

Not sure how to add an image for such a file. What you are really want is to add an image for an internet radio station, maybe one of the internet radio addons has that feature. But the music library functionality for art and nfo files will not apply
What I suggested seems to work from a quick test with a dummy strm file.


I've switched to VLC, which allows me to add internet radios to its interface.

I'm slowly moving everything over to VLC even if it lacks the features of Kodi due to this issue:
NVIDIA Shield 2015 -> HDMI -> ONKYO TX-NR609 -> HDMI -> SONY Bravia (9 years old now...)

ONKYO -> lots of cables -> BOSE

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Add folder/poster image to .strm internet radio file0