v18 Completely lost trying to play games on Kodi 18 on Windows
Hello ,

i have set up kodi 18 in windows and i'm using it as media theater and am happy so far .
i'm struggling to play games though in kodi unfortunately .

i have installed FBalpha addon from game addons , and it states that it is 02.97.44 version .
my next step was to download the 02.79.44 romset , extract it folder , add game source to that folder .
supposdly , now i  will be able to play the games , since i have ROMS and an emulator .
but this is not the case .
when i choose a game , nothing happens , Kodi is displaying a messages that it is buffering , and nothing happens !
i have tried to use rom collection browser , but i stuck at the confguration , where it asks for emulator location ? why it did not identify the already installed one ? i don't know .

done a lot of researches , but was not able to spot any detailed or simple guide on how to do this on kodi
i'm not new to emulation world , as i was playing with fblpha since old days , along with neoragex and kawaks .
but to be honest , i'm not familiar with those libretro and retroarch things .

can any body help me what i'm doing wrong ? or provide a detailed step by step guide ?
any body can help ? any guidance ? any clue ?
(2020-01-16, 12:55)damanhoury Wrote: any body can help ? any guidance ? any clue ?

Short story: Game files that match potential video extensions don't work as expected yet. See issue here. If it's a file extension that isn't a valid video extension, it should work as the 'Getting Started' post describes.

Longer story: You can make this work with a game addon. IAGL does allow you to set a default 'game addon / player' for each game list. Wiki here. Not sure if AEL and Rom Collection Browser can do the same or not yet.
(2020-01-16, 19:15)zachmorris Wrote:
(2020-01-16, 12:55)damanhoury Wrote: any body can help ? any guidance ? any clue ?

Short story: Game files that match potential video extensions don't work as expected yet. See issue here. If it's a file extension that isn't a valid video extension, it should work as the 'Getting Started' post describes.

Longer story: You can make this work with a game addon. IAGL does allow you to set a default 'game addon / player' for each game list. Wiki here. Not sure if AEL and Rom Collection Browser can do the same or not yet. 
Hi ,

after long trials and errors , i was able now to make Rom collection browser to import the games , and was able to play the games .
still one major issue though , is that i can't scrap any game information/artwork 
so , its the same as retroplayer , just see the rom names , with no info or snaps .
I think AEL is the only game addon like that that is still supported. I use it launch steam games but I have gotten too far into things yet. I still need to look at what's possible with iagl
Don’t use Kodi for gaming.

Use the Big Box addon to launch and play your entire library of games, each with metadata and gameplay trailers. It’s amazing.
(2020-01-24, 04:52)Cinephile Wrote: Don’t use Kodi for gaming.

Use the Big Box addon to launch and play your entire library of games, each with metadata and gameplay trailers. It’s amazing.

Lunchbox now costs $75 an increase of $25 for a rubbish front end. You have cheaper and free options to choose from.

If you are on a rasperberry pi for example, you will have images that contain Kodi. You might be able to find the same on Windows.

However, you can just set up a batch file in for example Hyperspin which would launch Kodi.

I personally hate lunchbox with a passion, despite the increases in the version number, it still looks disgusting out of the box, the theme creation process is over complicated and you need to learn XAML.

Also for the money, there are very few big box themes, the ones that are there are just copycat clones of hyperspin themes, with nothing original.
Not sure whose lunchbox you’re looking at. Food must be yuck!

Good thing I was talking about Big Box/Launchbox. Once you customise your favourite theme it looks stunning on the big screen.

I have it hyperlinked to the Games menu which makes for a beautiful transition too. One click and it opens my games library, then goes back to Kodi automatically upon exiting.
This is how I did it

Need someone to help me automate the entire process, and fix bugs, but it 100% works

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