TMM Crashed and now won't run
Ever since I stopped using onboard graphics for one screen, TMM doesn't close itself randomly.

However today it crashed whilst browsing file system for an image to use as a poster.

Since then, it won't open.  I tried to run the command from launcher.log, and nothing happens, the splash comes up for 1/2 second, however nothing is actually opening.

Nothing is written to the log file.

Any ideas?
Kodi Leia on Pi-4 running LibreElec. in production with family, and another one for testing.
What OS?
What Java Version
What Java Vendor?
What does the TMM CMD file print
delete extra.txt (if existent)
are there any hs_err*.log files?
tinyMediaManager - THE media manager of your choice :)
Wanna help translate TMM ?
(2020-02-03, 10:01)myron Wrote: What OS?
What Java Version
What Java Vendor?
What does the TMM CMD file print
delete extra.txt (if existent)
are there any hs_err*.log files?

Win10 Pro 64 fully updated as of 3.2.2020
Java 8 update 241 build 1.8.0_241-b07
CMD output:
There are no hs_err files (there were previously when it was crashing whilst in use, however when i changed the graphics card for a non-used screen, which fixed it ....  then I removed old hs log files, no new ones have been created)

Removing extra.txt now allows the program to open...

I've now got it installed on native windows 10, a VM windows 10 (which worked when my native one wouldn't), and on an ubuntu VM.  So far the ubuntu one is the only one that hasn't crashed, so I may just run it there, however it would be simpler to have it run native, but the last crash corrupted the DB, so it had to start again...
Kodi Leia on Pi-4 running LibreElec. in production with family, and another one for testing.

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