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Kodi 17.7 DSPlayer x64 (2020 build)
Well there is nothing really in Kodi settings that should affect this, all settings are managed through madvr, I use full screen windowed and FSE disabled in madvr settings. I do not switch refresh rate with Kodi because there is no way to not restore after playback stop with this version.

Madvr: I have "restore display mode" unchecked of course. Modes 2160p47, 2160p48, 2160p50, 2160p59, 2160p60 selected.

Kodi Debug log: https://paste.kodi.tv/votadexili.kodi

I start Kodi with refresh 47.952, so when a 23.976 files play, no switching occur. The log shows what happens when I play a 29.97 file, it switches to a 59hz mode as expected, but after stopping it restores the 47hz mode. Same happens with 24.000 fps file for example, it switched to 48hz but after stop it restore 47hz.
Just did some more testing, after playback stops, refresh rate will change back to what it was when Kodi was started be it 47, 48 or 60. Could be a Kodi Dsplayer thing, could be a Windows 11 thing, but can't seem to find a way to fix it. Oh well.
Hi,  I had also some Kodi freezes recently. It was a windows issue.  I've done as described in youtube video and it worked

I have another weird problem, still on Windows 10. Changed my graphics card from an Amd RX 580 to GTX 1080 TI, did full driver sweep and clean install before. Everything works except when I play HDR content my Dsplayer gui glitches colors when in fullscreen until restart of the application... 

Did anyone else has this before?

Another weird thing is that I can't play Dsplayer simultaneously on 2 monitors anymore.
MADVR and DSPLAYER doesnt play nice with two monitors full stop, disable one and see if it goes away.
Yeah, well I still get the interface crap even on one monitor.
(2024-01-09, 19:51)Searon Wrote: Yeah, well I still get the interface crap even on one monitor.

Yeah, well you're still running a version of Kodi that was released in 2017 and expecting it to work flawlessly in 2024 https://kodi.wiki/view/Releases
I'm not, I am just saying I swapped graphic card brand. All the rest is still as it was, I did not change anything except for the Gfx driver. 

I think this is more a AMD/ Nvidia problem as my RX 580 had no problems with HDR and SDR switching...
Yes there are problems with later cards non Polaris I have a few minor issues with My Amd RX 5700, I've had to do some faughing about to get stable. Experiment with Kodi and Madvr settings. It's hard to know what problem you have post a screenshot.
(2024-01-11, 22:13)mclingo Wrote: Yes there are problems with later cards non Polaris I have a few minor issues with My Amd RX 5700, I've had to do some faughing about to get stable. Experiment with Kodi and Madvr settings. It's hard to know what problem you have post a screenshot.

Playback is good and smooth, HDR is working fully.

The moment I stop playback my GUI is f*cked up. Check screenshot:

Don't really understand what's going on in that image I can see the film and the colours are all orange and weird I can also see the home screen menu and something that says Amazon Prime have you not got code in full screen?
(2024-01-14, 18:51)Searon Wrote:
(2024-01-11, 22:13)mclingo Wrote: Yes there are problems with later cards non Polaris I have a few minor issues with My Amd RX 5700, I've had to do some faughing about to get stable. Experiment with Kodi and Madvr settings. It's hard to know what problem you have post a screenshot.

Playback is good and smooth, HDR is working fully.

The moment I stop playback my GUI is f*cked up. Check screenshot:

I have something similar happening with just oversaturated colors when coming out of HDR playback. It does not happen always, it does not happen often. I suppose it could have something to do with colorspace but I'm not sure. In any case, for me, it's enough to restart a HDR file, stop it and things go back to normal.

Edit: using a RTX4070, I saw it happening with RTX 3070 too.
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first (usually it's enough to follow instructions in the second post).
Maybe it's a driver issue then I've never had any issues like that with my AMD card there have been quite a few HDR problems with NVIDIA cards over the last few years have you checked on the driver forum on doom?

Are you tone mapping to SDR or Tone mapping and outputing as HDR, Or just bypassing and sending hdr signals straight to tv, Maybe try testing the different options.
Yeah, sounds like the same problem. Only thing is that playing another HDR movie doesn't fix the problem with my setup. 

The only thing that fixes it is going full window mode or restarting Kodi. Also when you bring something else in focus in front of Kodi the color also go back to normal untill you bring Kodi back to focus.
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