Solved Filter for uncategorized episodes
It would be great so we could find easily those episodes not recognized
please define "uncategorized"
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(2020-02-21, 20:27)mlaggner Wrote: please define "uncategorized"

The same like in TMM
Hey were you ever able so solve this? I'm having a similar issues with one for my seasons where it is labeled as categorized in TMM. 
I noticed that the naming structure of the original files are a bit different for the files I have an issue with. Instead of being SXXEXX the structure is SEE. So for Season 4 Episode 1 the original file is 401. 
It also seems to have an issue with files using the absolute episode number instead of the season-episode breakdown.
Perhaps this is what is causing our issues.

Is TMM able to pick up these file names so that I can rename them? Maybe some sort of manual matching mode? 
Thanks !
okay, uncategorized is just where tmm could not extract any season/episode out of the file name (upon first import). This may be that your file names are not in any recognizable format or because we've hit any other constellation where it cannot pick up the S/E from the filename

a filter for this will be in v4
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