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WIP Ember Media Manager 1.9.x - Download & Discussion Thread
(2020-11-06, 17:32)DanCooper Wrote: I have rewritten the YouTube scraper, it should work again and better than before (older videos are now also working again). The bug in DavesTrailerPage has also been fixed. There is also now a YouTube theme scraper.

I want to test the changes by tomorrow evening and then finally do a new bugfix release.

Awesome Dan, thanks for the swift reaction.

One more thing: When looking at the log for this issue it appears to me that tons of stuff gets logged without much meaningful info, but no output is generated for the number of trailers found or the trailer ultimately chosen for scraping...?

BTW is there currently any way to help contribute? (PRs and such) https://github.com/DanCooper/Ember-MM-Newscraper seems outdated?
(2020-11-07, 10:06)ralfonat Wrote: One more thing: When looking at the log for this issue it appears to me that tons of stuff gets logged without much meaningful info, but no output is generated for the number of trailers found or the trailer ultimately chosen for scraping...?
Yes, the logging is more something that I use to trace some triggers and to get a way that an user can send me a crash message. The logging system has to be rewritten for Ember 2.0.
(2020-11-07, 10:06)ralfonat Wrote: BTW is there currently any way to help contribute? (PRs and such) https://github.com/DanCooper/Ember-MM-Newscraper seems outdated?
It's outdated because I havn't commited the latest changes I've done to keep the source usable. New commits will be pushed if I'm done with the latest changes.

But the point is that I want to stop working on Ember 1.x because I startet to rewrite the whole Ember API and GUI for a new Ember 2.0 version. I don't want to invest more time than it's needed to keep Ember 1.x usable. So contribution is not really usefull ATM. The Ember 2.0 project on GitHub is still private and will be public if a first alpha has been released.
(2020-11-07, 13:47)DanCooper Wrote:
(2020-11-07, 10:06)ralfonat Wrote: One more thing: When looking at the log for this issue it appears to me that tons of stuff gets logged without much meaningful info, but no output is generated for the number of trailers found or the trailer ultimately chosen for scraping...?
Yes, the logging is more something that I use to trace some triggers and to get a way that an user can send me a crash message. The logging system has to be rewritten for Ember 2.0.
Understood. Would be helpful there too ;-)
(2020-11-07, 13:47)DanCooper Wrote:
(2020-11-07, 10:06)ralfonat Wrote: BTW is there currently any way to help contribute? (PRs and such) https://github.com/DanCooper/Ember-MM-Newscraper seems outdated?
It's outdated because I havn't commited the latest changes I've done to keep the source usable. New commits will be pushed if I'm done with the latest changes.

But the point is that I want to stop working on Ember 1.x because I startet to rewrite the whole Ember API and GUI for a new Ember 2.0 version. I don't want to invest more time than it's needed to keep Ember 1.x usable. So contribution is not really usefull ATM. The Ember 2.0 project on GitHub is still private and will be public if a first alpha has been released.
Understood. As soon as I can help, shout ;-)

PS: Any chance you have come around to the trailer patch? Many thanks in advance.
Hi, did you received this message from TheTVDB ?

Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2020 23:05:25 +0000 (UTC)
From: "TheTVDB" <support(at)thetvdb.com>
Subject: Big Changes Coming to TheTVDB


There are some big changes coming for TheTVDB that will affect both developers and our end users, most notably our brand new API (“v4”). With the launch of this new API fast approaching, we wanted to give an overview of all of these changes.

Two Models for API Access

There are now two ways to access TheTVDB API. Each company, platform, or project will have the ability to select their preferred method of access. This decision will ultimately be up to the developers of the projects themselves, so if you are an end user, you'll need to wait for the platform/software you use to announce any changes regarding your access.


This is the way things work now. Companies and projects enter into a contract with us and are given an API key. License fees are based primarily on usage, company size, and how the data is used. 

Example: Mobile apps & websites


This is new. Some companies can’t or don’t want to license API access directly, and have requested that we pass along any cost to end users. We have determined an approach that will keep this affordable and accessible for all, detailed below.

Example: Synology Video Station

A note for Plex users: TheTVDB is in ongoing active discussions with Plex. Please stay tuned for more information if you are an end user of Plex.

User Subscriptions

User subscriptions are global, and not tied to a specific API key. This means that if, as an end user, you use three projects that make use of TheTVDB API, your subscription will grant access for any of them that choose the user-supported model.

Important Notes 
  • A subscription is required ONLY if the project/software you're using has indicated so — although we’d love for you to support the site anyway.
  • Subscribing will grant you a unique PIN, which will be entered into the software you use.
  • User subscriptions will be $11.99/year.
  • Subscriptions will also include an ad-free site experience, a warm fuzzy feeling in your heart, and future incentives that we’re planning.
 While we believe this to be a reasonable subscription fee, we understand that some of you may prefer another approach. With that in mind, we’ll also allow users to earn a free annual subscription by contributing quality data to the site, like missing IDs, translations, and artwork. We’ll provide additional details concerning this model in the coming months.

v4 API Launch

Our relaunch of the site last October included a completely restructured database, and we’ve been adding features and functionality to it ever since. Our current and previous APIs are based on the old version of the database, and as a result are not only costly to operate, but don’t expose most of the new features. The v4 API fixes that and gives access to everything.

Important Notes 
  • The v4 API will launch the week of 11/9.
  • All previous API versions will be deprecated approximately 6 months later, at the end of March 2021. This will allow projects time to convert.
  • Later in 2021, we’ll be adding writable interfaces to the API, allowing projects to push data back into the site.
  • Developers will need to create a new key for v4, which can be done from your TheTVDB dashboard under API Keys.
  • The v4 API is NOT backwards compatible.

New Features and Functionality

While some of these features have been available on the site since last October, they haven't been available in our API until now.
Tagging & Taxonomy

Our new flexible tagging system includes a hierarchy of data that is more useful than free-form tagging, and currently includes information like time era, series structure, social issues, character professions, and more. Tags can be recommended by users on the site so this offering will quickly expand.
Expanded Search Functionality

Unified search for movies, series, people, characters, franchises, companies — all allowing fuzzy matching to improve results.
Flexible Seasons

Supporting DVD and absolute orders as we’ve always done, but also supporting multiple official popular orders (for example, Money Heist being completely recut for Netflix).

We’re now tracking popular awards for both series and movies, including both nominees and winners.
Lists and Franchises

Fully translatable and sorted, allowing access to official franchises like MCU and Arrowverse.
Expanded Company Support

Companies will be expanded from studio, production company, and network to also include other relevant info like special effects studio. Plus company relationships, rebrands, and the ability to store co-productions on series and movies.
Expanded Content Ratings

Content ratings, previously displayed as parental guidelines, are now expanded from the US rating systems to all official international systems.


Many more features have been added and will be available in the v4 API.  We’ve launched a new ticketing system in an effort to deprecate our forums. This will streamline responses from our moderators, prevent requests from being overlooked or handled incorrectly, and give better insight into potential improvements on the site itself.  The ticketing system also holds our comprehensive Knowledgebase, which will be referenced throughout the site. Additionally, we have implemented UserReport, a software where you can upvote and make improvement suggestions to the site.

Next Steps for You

Project Developers

Start taking a look at which data licensing model works for your project moving forward — directly licensed or user-supported. Once you’ve decided, you’ll need to register for a new v4 API key (your old key will continue to work until the old APIs are turned off at the end of March 2021).

You can register for a new key on your dashboard by navigating to TheTVDB, selecting Dashboard from the dropdown in the upper right, and then clicking on API Keys.

The v4 API is accessible at https://api4.thetvdb.com/v4/, with documentation here. You can also view a current list of known issues here, and we'll be updating this list throughout the launch of the API.

End Users

Stay tuned to your respective projects to find out whether you'll need to sign up for an individual subscription or not. If you want to support our project regardless of what your programs do, or just want to remove ads on the site right away, we’d love for you to subscribe.


Thank You

We’re so appreciative of your continued support. We love our community and look forward to hearing from you with any questions, concerns, or ideas. Have a wonderful week!

TheTVDB Team
(2020-11-18, 04:05)gits Wrote: Hi, did you received this message from TheTVDB ?
Yes, i know.
Character/string substitution syntax for file renaming

If a TITLE string contains an illegal character, EMM automatically changes it when renaming the corresponding files - for instance, ":" is changed to " - ".
I would like to change the automatic behavior by means of a conversion table in which strings with illegal file/folder characters would be changed according to its entries.
I guess this may be done by editing Edit > Settings > Movies > Folder/File Name Filters but could not really understand its regex based syntax; in fact, tried to tinker with it but EMM freezes when I add anything to the list... each time have to end task and restart EMM.

What's the proper syntax of each entry in order to change <stringA> into <stringB>?
(2020-11-20, 16:04)pstrg Wrote: Character/string substitution syntax for file renaming

If a TITLE string contains an illegal character, EMM automatically changes it when renaming the corresponding files - for instance, ":" is changed to " - ".
I would like to change the automatic behavior by means of a conversion table in which strings with illegal file/folder characters would be changed according to its entries.
I guess this may be done by editing Edit > Settings > Movies > Folder/File Name Filters but could not really understand its regex based syntax; in fact, tried to tinker with it but EMM freezes when I add anything to the list... each time have to end task and restart EMM.

What's the proper syntax of each entry in order to change <stringA> into <stringB>?

You can use $?<stringA>?<stringB>? to exchange characters manually. You have to set it to the end of the pattern (otherwise only the part before the flag will be handled), also you can use multiple flags (will be executed from left to right), e.g.:

$T$?:? +?

Movie title: Die Hard: With a Vengeance
Result: Die Hard + With a Vengeance


Movie title: Die Hard: With a Vengeance
Result: Die H999rd+ With 999 Venge999nce

EDIT: and it's not regex
(2020-11-20, 17:56)DanCooper Wrote:
(2020-11-20, 16:04)pstrg Wrote: Character/string substitution syntax for file renaming

If a TITLE string contains an illegal character, EMM automatically changes it when renaming the corresponding files - for instance, ":" is changed to " - ".
I would like to change the automatic behavior by means of a conversion table in which strings with illegal file/folder characters would be changed according to its entries.
I guess this may be done by editing Edit > Settings > Movies > Folder/File Name Filters but could not really understand its regex based syntax; in fact, tried to tinker with it but EMM freezes when I add anything to the list... each time have to end task and restart EMM.

What's the proper syntax of each entry in order to change <stringA> into <stringB>?

You can use $?<stringA>?<stringB>? to exchange characters manually. You have to set it to the end of the pattern (otherwise only the part before the flag will be handled), also you can use multiple flags (will be executed from left to right), e.g.:

$T$?:? +?

Movie title: Die Hard: With a Vengeance
Result: Die Hard + With a Vengeance


Movie title: Die Hard: With a Vengeance
Result: Die H999rd+ With 999 Venge999nce

EDIT: and it's not regex
Thank you.
In case I want to make a string substitution rule (like those in your examples) to work always (automatically), should I insert the script somewhere in order to get the wanted result?

p.s. Understood... not regex but looks like some regex dialect ;-)

Been using EMM for years with Kodi/CoreELEC and it's still the best Media Manager I've found!

I have a problem, however with MovieSets.
I've set up everything as detailed in the excellent tutorial by DanCooper and everything worked ok.
My MySQL database became corrupt so I had to delete and restart as I had an issue as some of my Collections are both Bluray & 4k which caused filename issues. I've since placed these in separate Backdrop folders.
Unfortunately this messed up my MovieSet artwork which lead to me having to delete the MovieSet entries in EMM.

I've deleted the movies, database and cache in EMM and then re-Updated Library in EMM. This loads the movies, but the MovieSet tab is empty. 

How do I reload the MovieSets into EMM?
(2020-11-22, 17:46)spinecho Wrote: Unfortunately this messed up my MovieSet artwork which lead to me having to delete the MovieSet entries in EMM.
The movieset information in a movie will be deleted if you delete a movieset in the movieset tab. So i think you've to rescrape all movies to get the movieset informations back. You can select all movies and use Contextmenu => Rescrape Single Database Field => Collection ID. This rescrape the movieset information only and recreate all movieset entries and you can rescrape the moviesets itself to get the images.
(2020-11-20, 18:53)pstrg Wrote: In case I want to make a string substitution rule (like those in your examples) to work always (automatically), should I insert the script somewhere in order to get the wanted result?
You've to set the flag in the folder and/or file name pattern under Settings => Modules => Renamer.
(2020-11-22, 20:53)DanCooper Wrote:
(2020-11-20, 18:53)pstrg Wrote: In case I want to make a string substitution rule (like those in your examples) to work always (automatically), should I insert the script somewhere in order to get the wanted result?
You've to set the flag in the folder and/or file name pattern under Settings => Modules => Renamer.
So simple! Added the desired renaming string and it's working fine.
(2020-11-22, 20:50)DanCooper Wrote:
(2020-11-22, 17:46)spinecho Wrote: Unfortunately this messed up my MovieSet artwork which lead to me having to delete the MovieSet entries in EMM.
The movieset information in a movie will be deleted if you delete a movieset in the movieset tab. So i think you've to rescrape all movies to get the movieset informations back. You can select all movies and use Contextmenu => Rescrape Single Database Field => Collection ID. This rescrape the movieset information only and recreate all movieset entries and you can rescrape the moviesets itself to get the images.
Thanks...ill try that
(2020-11-23, 00:21)spinecho Wrote:
(2020-11-22, 20:50)DanCooper Wrote:
(2020-11-22, 17:46)spinecho Wrote: Unfortunately this messed up my MovieSet artwork which lead to me having to delete the MovieSet entries in EMM.
The movieset information in a movie will be deleted if you delete a movieset in the movieset tab. So i think you've to rescrape all movies to get the movieset informations back. You can select all movies and use Contextmenu => Rescrape Single Database Field => Collection ID. This rescrape the movieset information only and recreate all movieset entries and you can rescrape the moviesets itself to get the images.
Thanks...ill try that
Sadly, didn't work.

I've looked at movie nfo and it has tmdbcolid tag, but the moviesets do not show up.

I've deleted all movies and rerun update library, but nothing seems to work :-(

I guess I'll just have to manually recreate all my moviesets [emoji51][emoji51][emoji51]
(2020-11-23, 10:45)spinecho Wrote: I've looked at movie nfo and it has tmdbcolid tag, but the moviesets do not show up.
The <tmdcolid> node will not be removed if you remove a movieset. The TMDb Collection ID is still valid even if the collection information itself has been removed. The TMDb Collection ID is to be understood like the IMDb, TMDb or TVDb ID.

Please check if you've enabled the following option: Settings => Movies => Scraper - Data => Collection => Add movies automatically to moviesets/collection
If this option is disabled the scraper only gets the collection ID and don't create the movieset. Also you've to enable (all for "Movies") the TMDb data scraper incl. Collection ID in the scraper and global fields because only the TMDb scraper/API provides a collection ID.
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