WIP Ember Media Manager 1.9.x - Download & Discussion Thread
(2021-01-20, 00:24)cabro Wrote: 1) If i'm using Ember do I still select TVDB/TMDB in Kodi or should I be going with Local Information Only?

2) How do I push the Ember Media Manager changes to Kodi? Do I just scan for changes/update the library in Kodi or do I need to clean the library?
1:  In Kodi you select local information.  If not, Kodi will skip the nfo and scrape all the data from the web.
2:  If you make changes to images/nfo etc these will not be picked up again automatically.  You need to refresh your source folder by doing this:

1. Remove a source/folder from the library by changing the content setting to "None". 
2. When Kodi asks you if you want to remove those items from the library, say yes. 
3. Kodi will then show a progress bar and remove those entries. 
4. Change the content setting back to what it was before (in this case local....). 
5. Kodi will then rescan in those entries and pull down the new images, data etc

The clean functionis to to tidy up the the kodi database that holds all the info.
Confusion is just a state of mind.

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RE: Ember Media Manager 1.9.x - Download & Discussion Thread - by FlashPan - 2021-01-21, 10:48
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