WIP Ember Media Manager 1.9.x - Download & Discussion Thread
(2021-02-07, 00:59)DanCooper Wrote:
(2021-02-06, 17:16)Hairy Hippy Wrote: however when I mark it again as the same dark blue to clear the custom, it turns a light blue
Custom #4 is light blue by default. Another way to check if the movie has more than one custom marking is to use the filter tab below the list and select each custom marking filter successively. It's possible to set all markers at the same time for a movie.
I think i need a new way (not colors) to get a better solution for custom marking in Ember 3.0 Smile
(2021-02-06, 17:16)Hairy Hippy Wrote: Regarding the title sorting, you are right if I am sorting by "title" or "original title", however, if I sort by say "MPAA", most titles are sorted in alphabetical order, except for movies starting with an accent or cedilla.  Why would these be moved to the end of the MPAA section (e.g. UK:12 or UK:15) when sorting in this manner instead of how they are sorted if using the title sort?
Goof question... I'm not shure how .NET sorts or determines the second row to sort. I think i don't have set any column so that it's still ordered by title if you use another column as primary column.
I've not marked any with custom #4 as only using #1 and #2 at the moment, so it's odd that when I mark something with #2, when I unmark it, it turns light blue.  However, if I now click custom #4 it now turns black text  Smile !  Odd step to have to take but at least it solves the issue.

As for the sorting, not the end of the world but so annoying!  Rofl

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Miscellaneous > Media List Editor - by pstrg - 2020-06-09, 02:38
MovieSets - by pstrg - 2020-06-11, 22:01
RE: Ember Media Manager 1.9.x - Download & Discussion Thread - by Hairy Hippy - 2021-02-07, 14:57
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