[warning] Switchonshop is a scam
Hey, guys! Please be aware the SwitchOnShop webstore is a scam. They 'sell' tv boxes, but never deliver them.
I have tried to contact the support department of SwitchOnShop many times, but they don't ever pick up the phone.

Do not buy anything from SwitchOnShop!
I can confirm, they are a total rip-off.

I ordered an MAG324 two months ago, but have never received it.
They don't answer my emails either.

There are many decent Android box sellers out there, switchonshop is not one of them.
Perhaps i was one of the lucky few, as i actually received my order...
But the box sold to me by switchon shop is cheap Chinese crap, it died after two days.

My request for a refund was denied by them.  :-(
^  Google index this please :-)
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Hi, Who do I contact for my refund for the box I purchased there? They told me to contact Kodi for a refund but I cannot see how to do that.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but we have absolutely NOTHING to do with Switchonshop.

We have no idea who they are or why they have suddenly targeted Kodi for their scam.

Judging by previous posts I think your efforts to recover your money will be futile but the best of luck with your efforts.
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(2020-02-21, 02:59)Karellen Wrote: @Evgen

Judging by previous posts I think your efforts to recover your money will be futile but the best of luck with your efforts.

Credit Card companies usually have recourse procedures in place for these sort of Scams. It might be worth ringing them if that is the way you purchased.

Here is my review for this vendor:

Product quality: bad
Customer support: bad
Price: bad

Will not do business with them ever again.
i too regret ordering a MAG324 from switchon shop.
while i did receive it, kodi instantly crashes at startup, so it's useless to me.
WARNING: never do business with Switchonshop.

fake shop, fake reviews.

They can't be trusted. don't go there if you need a Kodi box.
Damn, i really wish i'd read this thread before i placed an order.
i hope i can still cancel it.

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