Which RAR version was on repo previous to 2.20?
2.20 have made my Kodi starting to crash during scanning some files.
Used 18.5 worked great, updated to 18.6 crashes after like 5-10 minutes, downgrade to 18.5 still crashes after 5-10 minutes.
I have the same problem, i believe it is 2.0.8, i cant find it on a repo thou even thou 18.5 says i should use that one,
(2020-03-24, 17:31)marhah Wrote: I have the same problem, i believe it is 2.0.8, i cant find it on a repo thou even thou 18.5 says i should use that one,

Sorry the issue is fixed for me. I use latest Kodi and vfs.rar. 
I just uploaded the 2.0.8 for windows from kodi repo i used before to my google drive. Hope it fixes it for you and if what i'm doing goes against Kodi rules i will delete it.
2.0.8 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1DMZ56X...n4aN-xhRjl
Thanks! No i still have the issue unfortunaly, made sure i had 2.2.2 and did not install archive support, only rar,
I checked the logs, seems it crashes on a movie in a long path where it says it cant open a xxx.part001.rar, tried the directory / files and it works perfectly fine with 7zip, and .sfv check is ok, i will try and hope it works with 18.5 and 2.0.8 as it has done before, but it is possible it has been broken for longer, was a long time ago i set up everything 

Thanks agian for 2.0.8 file!
Hi again, tried with 18.5 and 2.0.8 file and now it is rock solid, have been able to scan my collection without crashes! Thanks once again, so nice to be up and running again for now, hope it will be solved so i can update in future, i will probably install in a hyper-v to test so if devs want i can probably help test / provide logs
I have tried to find 2.0.8 for nvidia shield (android-armv7), but all download mirrors are gone. Do anyone know where to find it?

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Which RAR version was on repo previous to 2.20?0