How automatically generate subdirectories for every movie-file?

I have severeal movies all in one directory.
Can tinyMediaManager automatically create a dedicated directory for every movie, maybe in the scraping-process?
Is there an option already (which I've overseen)?

Kind regards xbmc4me

right click -> rename(preview)?
Check settings for customisation...
tinyMediaManager - THE media manager of your choice :)
Wanna help translate TMM ?
Hi myron,

thats exactly what I didn't do, RENAME (just found out before reading your reply ;-).
I just scraced and wondered why a directory wasn't created. Now I enabled the automatic renaming option and everything is fine.

Thanks a lot for helping, problem (me) solved ;-)

Kind regards and stay healthy in these pandemic days.

Which kind of pictures (poster, fanart, banner,...?) created by tMM can be used by KODI to be displayed in the gallery (so KODI must not scrape itself)?

Thanks a lot.


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