v19 Addon Logging Deprecation: NOTICE/SEVERE levels to be deprecated by end of June '20
That won’t be removed till kodi 20. It has only be deprecated in Kodi 19.
Maintainer of Enigma2 PVR addon: repo, docschangelog
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(2020-11-14, 20:45)phunkyfish Wrote: That won’t be removed till kodi 20. It has only be deprecated in Kodi 19.
Thank you
Kodi 21 Windows 10 and 11 | 21 Xbox One X | 22 nightly Linux Mint Wilma XFCE | CoreELEC NO 22 nightly S905X4 aarch64
I am reaching out as earlier today, I started to see warning<general>: I am new to python itself as of about a month ago and about 6 months or so to the chats. Despite my somewhat long time use of Kodi. I'm curious to know, in these messages, is there a way for me to have dumbed down, to identify what exactly needs to be changed here? I assume you replace the old with the new. In the first example, I wasn't sure if I am supposed to list all three in the same spot with each other I found some of them but don't want to change anything until I have a clearer understanding. These were located in the Log Viewer. I am not around to try anything at the moment or send image of logfile. Thanks! For example:

ListItem.addStreamInfo() should be replaced with InfoTagVideo.addVideoStream(), InfoTagVideo.addAudioStream() and InfoTagVideo.addSubtitleStream().


Setting most vide properties through ListItem.setInfo() is deprecated and might be removed in future Kodi versions. Please use the respective setter in InfoTagVideo.

Please advise. Thanks!
(2023-10-11, 07:33)davelee77 Wrote: I'm curious to know, in these messages, is there a way for me to have dumbed down, to identify what exactly needs to be changed here?

it's all in the Kodi Development documentation

lookup the current function call f.e. addStreamInfo - https://alwinesch.github.io/group__pytho...069ee5b138

there is a note at the bottom of the spec to say it is deprecated and what to use instead

lookup what it tells you it is replaced with f.e. - addVideoStream - https://alwinesch.github.io/group__pytho...f87a012d99

open the code and implement it the way the documentation tells you to

most are not copy and paste to a new function name, the new functions add functionality over the previous

but, in some cases it can be simply changed - rarely
Awesome. Thank you for the direction. I'll check it out this evening after class. 😊👍🏻
(2023-10-11, 07:33)davelee77 Wrote: supposed to list all three in the same spot with each other I found some of them but don't want to change anything until I have a clearer understanding. These were located in the Log Viewer. I am not around to try anything at the moment or send image of logfile. Thanks! For example:

ListItem.addStreamInfo() should be replaced with InfoTagVideo.addVideoStream(), InfoTagVideo.addAudioStream() and InfoTagVideo.addSubtitleStream().


Setting most vide properties through ListItem.setInfo() is deprecated and might be removed in future Kodi versions. Please use the respective setter in InfoTagVideo.

Please advise. Thanks!

Here's a good thread on this topic.



Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , CBC Sports, Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
There's an official addon, infotagger, that you can add to your project's addon.xml as a dependency (so it gets added to your sys path) then import it and use its methods to implement the new xbmc classes/methods on existing python code (i.e., setinfo).

scott s.

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Addon Logging Deprecation: NOTICE/SEVERE levels to be deprecated by end of June '200
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