video exif
Hi everyone, I am new to Kodi.
I start to use for organizing my videos and pictures.
I saw for pictures is possible to see a lot of exif information I would like to know if there is any chance to have the same for video.

What type of information do you want to see? Codecs are already displayed along with lots of other information, depending on which skin you are using.
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I know MKV files are container format files which can contain certain metadata.
What sort of EXIF data are you looking for in a video? Plus which video format(s) are you referring to?
We're tag-teaming again, I see. Cool
(2020-05-12, 12:30)Karellen Wrote: @Giobox4896

What type of information do you want to see? Codecs are already displayed along with lots of other information, depending on which skin you are using.

I like to see the same exif info I can see for pictures
File name
File path
File size
file date
camera make
camera model
Ok. I assume these are for your home videos.

Some of that information is available - file name, file path, as shown in the image below, assuming they have been scanned into the library. File size can be seen in file view listing. the rest won't be. There is nothing like that in Kodi for videos. There is no provision for that information in the library databases and it is not something that would be considered for inclusion.

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Thank you.

I will use kodi only for my personal stuff so I am not interested in scarper info.

Assuming I would like to try to do a script for this in the same way of the pictures.
which is the script I have to explore in
I mean where can I find the pictures function/script for extracting and showing exif?
and the function/script that allows to show metadata for videos?
(2020-05-12, 13:02)Giobox4896 Wrote: I mean where can I find the pictures function/script for extracting and showing exif?
and the function/script that allows to show metadata for videos?
Sorry I cannot help with that as I am not a developer.
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