v21 Is there a screen saver with "random order" which filters already displayed pictures?

I'm looking for an "advanced" version of the Kodi Picture Slideshow Screensaver (V 5.0.9) : It should not show already displayed pictures for (e.g.) at least one week. Why? I have > 15.000 pics but the Picture Slideshow Screensaver shows me very often the same pictures. I already tried to find a other screen saver, no success. Any suggestion for me?

Thank you!

Addendum 2020-06-16: For all readers which may also want such a feature: Push the "thumbs up" button or let a comment. May be I will then (if enough interested users exist) submit a CR.
Over 1000 views and nobody has a tipp or is interested to get an improved screensaver. One year ago I could not imagine that my wish is such special ...
A friend did for me a modification of the Python source code of this screensaver:
Picture Slideshow Screensaver
which matches my wish no longer getting the same pictures displayed again and again. This was also the main reason why I did not upgrade from 19.4 Matrix to some newer Kodi version. Fortunately the old add-on still runs with 21.1 but it is only a manner of time until this old Python code (screensaver version 6.3.3) will no longer work. If someone would help to get his modifications ported to the official add-on screensaver code (current version is 7.0.3) I would be happy. Some try (see this thread) was made 2021 but there was no success and my questions got no answer.

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Is there a screen saver with "random order" which filters already displayed pictures?0
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