How does SACD.iso work?
I've installed the SACD plug-in and yet I cannot for the life of me get it to work.  All my SACD.iso files are stored on a remote server.  If I add that specific folder to my Audio files, the albums show up--but nothing happens when I try to play the file, the entire program just locks up.

I'm running Kodi on the new Nvidia Shield Pro streaming box.

Any insight would be appreciated.
I assume this is related to the addon "SACD Iso Support" from Author SPIFF? Right??

I found this addon yesterday by incident and was exited about the possibility to play Multichannel-SACD´s directly from Kodi. But most of my SACD Isos just play noise:-(

...and one more Thing: How can i edit the ID3 Tags from SACD-Iso´s? I use Mp3tag for my flacs but this does not work with Iso´s.
...i will start a new thread as this seems to be dead

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