Any way to disable genre colours in the EPG?

Is it currently possible to disable the genre colours in the live TV guide?

If not, please can this be an option?

Alternatively, is there any way to customize the colours?
(2020-06-20, 13:27)MrLizard Wrote: please can this be an option?
The skin T! Skinner is presently involved elsewhere, requests such as this are in queue.
(2020-06-20, 13:27)MrLizard Wrote: Alternatively, is there any way to customize the colours?
I suspect the colours might be set in the addons\skin.transparency\colors or perhaps the addons\skin.transparency\1080pView-PVR.xml best to copy those files to a safe location prior to manipulation.

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Any way to disable genre colours in the EPG?0