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NBC Peacock Addon Request
NBC Peacock starts streaming tomorrow July 15.  Hope somebody can have a look.

Everything We Know about Peacock: Launch Date, Pricing, Content & More
Jess Barnes cordcuttersnews.com July 14, 2020
I'll take a look once it's live.
I won't have premium, but can at least probably get the free tier working
Might be you'll have access to premium if you subscribe to it as it's just a logon (email+password) thing.

I also noticed if you use a browser with an add blocker (I use Ublock origin) no commercials in the videos! You do get asked to turn it off.
(2020-07-15, 05:24)matthuisman Wrote: I'll take a look once it's live.
I won't have premium, but can at least probably get the free tier working
Thanks for taking a look.
Was just checking out peacock and it's looking good. I know it's only been live for a few days, but has anybody had the chance to look into making an add on yet?
I think it's going to be a hard thing to create - they are extremely locked down. Using the apps, there are reports of people having problems using external monitors, and I myself found out that it won't work on my Nvidia shield because I am using the hotfix updates which are not signed versions of Android. 

But, I am hopeful someone figures out something. Right now I can only watch on my PC screen or my phone/tablet, which isn't how I typically consume media.
Apparently Peacock will be adding a free all sports channel (mostly talk) but a pretty good lineup of shows.
(2020-07-15, 05:24)matthuisman Wrote: I'll take a look once it's live.
I won't have premium, but can at least probably get the free tier working

It would really be nice if it can be done. Peacock is not supporting (as in blocking) Linux. Which for those of us who are Linux only is a bummer.
Peacock Premium is free with Xfinity.  I'll add my +1 for a Peacock addon.   We use Tivo instead of the standard Xfinity box.
any movement on this?
I've finished most of the parsing code, but I hit a roadblock with their signature system.  For some http post items, they use a dynamic signature system "x-sky-signature" that includes a dynamically calculated signature of the post data.  The methodology is very likely within the javascript code, but that code is a big mess.

@matthuisman, have you worked out the signature?
That's where I got too then gave up
Hey, I know it's and old thread but I'm wondering if anyone had figured out the signature system used by peacock after all this time. I have some ideas about the data that is signed but if we cannot find out the hmac key we won't have any success. I am currently having a look at the javascrpit code.
Not sure if resurrecting this thread is a good idea or if I should create a new one but I wanted to keep the current context.

I'd like to help make this addon, if possible.  I think the amount of free content on the service would be a great value to many users.  I know a few users here have said they've looked at this and have come up on some tough issues.  Is there any public repo that this work has be posted to so that maybe I could take a crack at it without starting all over?  I'm not an html/web, java, or javascript developer, but I would be willing to give it a shot since I'd really like to make this addon work and am not just expecting others to do it for me.  I'll learn as I go!

Thanks for all the work done so far!
you need to use Chrome dev tools and figure out how to re-create the "x-sky-signature" header that is used on some requests.
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