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Titan BINGIE MOD v1 (UPDATED - 07/24/2020)
Nope, only the one system right now running Kodi. I have tried at least 3 fresh installs of Kodi plus Titan Bingie Mod skin and same thing happens.
Hi - I have the following issues and I hope somebody can help.

Is it possible to configure how, when and for how long the info/pause overlay is shown? I often find myself pausing whatever I am watching to read some text on the screen or some other detail and it's made much harder by the overlay with its vignette and icons/text. I like the overlay - it suits the Netflix theme - and it would be great if it showed at other times (clicking info, maybe right click or after a minute of no mouse activity). My current solution is to right click to cycle between views and then repeat every few seconds when the overlay shows again - this is obviously not a good solution, so I'm hoping there is a setting or code I can change somewhere.

A minor issue I've noticed is similar to @discodode's above. I have Rotten Tomatoes and TMDB ratings, along with IMDB (Top 250 only), but no others like Trakt. The TVDB kind of works, but only shows a rating of 0.0 on select shows. I was wondering if there is some setting I've missed to enable these ratings as I saw them in other screenshots in this forum ("Media Library Views > Media Flags, Rating and Studio Logo in Views" or "Homescreen Layout > Footer" for example).

Lastly, I have some TV Shows and Films in a seperate category (mainly Marvel - ex: TV, Films, Marvel Films, Marvel TV...etc), so I would like to be able to show these seperately in a widget, instead of all together in say "TV Shows" and "Films". I tried doing this with Files/Video Sources (Widgets: Video Library > Sources > TV > Use this widget) which is how I usually navigate to these (not taking full advantage of the skin, I know. It allows for the Featurettes/Extras folder to show too). The issue is that posters and info for the shows don't appear, despite it working otherwise and taking me to that show when I click on them - it just has the default play icon logo. Strangely, one of the shows actually displays its poster but nothing else...

Anyway, I greatly appreciate your work on this skin, @AchillesPunks and I hope you or anyone else here can help with any of these issues. Thanks.
Hi AchillesPunk

Just some more info related to my problem.  My dashboard widget is to show the most recently added tv episodes.  If I change it to show the most recently added tv shows then the ratings are fine.  It seems the issue is if I am displaying the widget to show the most recently added tv episodes.

1. This would need to be changed in the xml or just use the setting show plot on pause.


2. The issue is not skin related with the TVDB. It has to do with the TVDB it will pick up older TV show but the newer ones are getting rating from TMDB.

3. The option to have Marvel movie/tv show is already in the skin. Just use smart playlist you will see the option you are looking for.

Titan Bingie Mod

I honestly don't know what is causing your issue.. I tried to reproduce you problem and I'm not getting the same issue.... I'm getting ratings for episodes all the time... Maybe it has to do with scraping.
Titan Bingie Mod
I have a little suggestion if it's not a problem
I was looking at other titan mod skin like yours
And I noticed that on the menu on (interface) there's an option in interface-(theme) and it had (modern -round ) I believe and it made the landscape and poster look round on the corners it really looked very nice and I was just wondering if you can add that option on this skin if you can ? I'm pretty sure others will like it ? ..if not thank you for you time😊😊😊 CHEERS🍻🍻

We used to have that option and removed it. It causes conflict with our poster for Netflix.
Titan Bingie Mod
(2022-08-17, 14:30)AchillesPunks Wrote: @Launcher

We used to have that option and removed it. It causes conflict with our poster for Netflix.

Oooh ok thank you for reply back Love the skin and once again thank you for you hard work ..😊
Thanks for replying so quickly.

1. 'Enable Plot on Pause' wasn't enabled, so I tried enabling it, but it doesn't seem to fix my issue. When I pause, it now shows almost exactly the same information as on the "You're Watching" overlay, minus the poster and some release information. I think you misunderstood. I don't want anything to show when I pause, including the vignette/shadow around the screen. As much as this infomation is useful, it makes it hard to view details such as text when pausing. Preferably, I would still like the option to view this overlay, perhaps only when the mouse is moved. Currently, I press right-click which disables it for exactly 2 seconds before cycling between overlays (You're Watching, that plot screen/show clearlogo and episode title and no overlay). I essentially have to right-click until the overlay disappears and repeat this every 2 seconds. Maybe I can adjust this time somewhere?

So, instead, how would I go about fixing this through the xml method you mentioned? Would I need to adjust advancedsettings.xml or a different file?

2. There doesn't seem to be aany rhyme or reason to which show gets a rating from TVDB. Many modern shows I have don't have a rating or something nonsensical like 0.0 or 1.0, despite this obviously not being accurate. I did see just one show that had a seemingly accurate rating of 8.0. Anyway, this didn't address why I don't have ratings from other services like Metacritic, IMDB (I only get Top 250), Rotten Tomatoes and Trakt, which I saw in some previous screenshots (like this - I did see another screenshot with Trakt ratings, but can't find it now). I mistakenly said Rotten Tomatoes, but I meant Flixster (the popcorn icon). This mainly affects TV Shows, as films at least have Flixster and TMDB ratings, but many TV Shows don't have any rating provider, despite being recent enough to have them. A few have TMDB ratings (accurate), but most don't.

3. I was not aware of this, thanks. Unfortunately this doesn't work for me as I would much rather have control over what is in each playlist. Specifically, I would like to keep MCU movies and Marvel Multiverse (X-Men, Spider-Man...etc) separate. I currently have my MCU films in a folder linked as a video source, with a subfolder inside for Multiverse films. I would like to just have everything in a video source in a playlist, but I mentioned the issue with doing this through Video Library > Video Sources in my previous comment (No posters of info).

1. Search inside the IncludesOSD.xml it should be in there I believe

2. You have your media scraped incorrectly if you are not getting all the ratings. You will need to rescrape and over write the current .nfo file.

3. To do this just create another playlist and add only the movie you want in it and add it into the playlist folder. You might be able to just add the source not sure
Something like this but just name the movies
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<!-- BINGIE -->
<smartplaylist type="movies">
<name>Marvel Movies</name>
<rule field="tag" operator="contains">
<order direction="descending">year</order>
Titan Bingie Mod
can i install the "bingie mod" on my "dune hd pro 4K II" mediaplayer ?


can i then receive/play netflix in 4k and dolby 5.1 through the dune mediaplayer ?
if so what would i need to install ?

thanks in advance...........

deepl translate
(2022-08-17, 22:21)franz weber Wrote: can i install the "bingie mod" on my "dune hd pro 4K II" mediaplayer ?
I guess the first issue to overcome would be if the hardware will support Kodi at all, from the link you provided "The media player runs a unique hybrid OS which consists of a Linux-based Dune HD OS" I wouldn't be sure what version & iteration, Android or Linux o/s to start but with only 4 gig memory, there will be limitations. If you can get Kodi to run, the next question would be does it support your skin choice. Then we dig down to the add-ons and by this time, I'm dubious that we'll fly here with your link announcing 'Dune HD Pro 4K II Discontinued'. You may have better luck browsing our hardware forum.
thank you for the quick reply.

on the tread in their forum I am therefore stumbled:

posting number 161
in this forum is discussed about a similar mod
therefore the inquiry.

are these two mods similar to apply / install in the two forums ?

I can install this "fork mod" on the dune

I can tell you first hand this skin is very heavy and is taxing on a system so if your system is slow you would have better luck trying another skin.
Titan Bingie Mod
1. Okay, I found IncludesOSD.xml (\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\skin.titan.bingie.mod\xml), but I'm not really sure what to edit. I'm not particularly knowlegdable on XML, but I could try and work it out. What do I need to change to make it so the overlay either takes longer to show upon pause (instead of instant), disappears upon right-click or to not show at all unless the mouse is moved? Whatever works so I can pause the video and not have anything obstructing the view such as the seek bar, plot info or the vignette?

2. It appears this isn't a skin-related issue, but instead dependent on the Information Provider add-on used. For films, an add-on called Universal Movie Scraper seems to be the best (The two other options being TMDb and TVDB v4). I went into the settings and found options to enable Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic, although they don't seem to currently work, even with an OMDb API key. I also had an issue with Ant-Man and the Wasp showing as Ant-Man and I'm not sure how to fix it. I may just have to ask for help on the forum for that add-on though. As for TV Shows, there are the following options: 1. The Movie Database 2. The TVDB (new) 3. The TVDB v4 4. TMDb TV Shows 5. TV Maze 6. XEM and it's unclear which is the one to use as I can't get all ratings to show together. I noticed that The Movie Database Python (only valid for Movies) had an option to pull ratings from Trakt.TV, but it didn't work and there was no option for API keys or login information. I recorded some results here: https://paste.kodi.tv/ireluyinov

So, what is your advice on Information Provider add-ons for Movies and TV Shows? I've heard Tiny Media Manager is good for local information, but I'd prefer an add-on service. I realise this isn't related to Titan Bingie AFAIK, sorry about that.

3. I tried creating a file named marvelfilms.xml in AppData\Roaming\Kodi\userdata\playlists\video with the code from your comment and replaced "spiderman" with "Avengers" to test it. Not sure if it needs to be an exact match, but as I mentioned above, I'm not too familiar with XML, so I'm not entirely sure how to do this the way I want. I just want to take eveything from a video source (so everything inside a specifc linked folder) and display it in playlist/group on the main screen. If playlists are the way to do that, how do I adjust the XML to get this to happen?

Video Source:
    | Film 1
        | video.mkv
    | Film 2
        | video.mkv

So both Film 1 and Film 2 will be scraped with fanart, plot, ratings...etc in a playlist. I'm not sure if this will make things more complicated, but I actually have it set up this way:

Video Source:
Marvel Films
    | = Multiverse =
        | Venom
            | venom.mkv
         | Spider-Man Films
             | Spider-Man (2002)
                 | sm.mkv
             | Spider-Man 2
                 | sm2.mkv

    | Avengers Infinity War
        | aiw.mkv
    | Avengers Endgame
        | ae.mkv

Simplified, but my point is there is a folder in there that isn't a film, but contains films a level deeper. In fact, I also have a folder in there again for Spider-Man films a level deeper. Hopefully this won't compliate things, as it should just show as a folder icon.
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