if you have no direct neighbors you can go for bass
In one of my ealier setups in a differnt location the subwoofer was under the seats, blasting upwards. You really felt it in the whole body.
Now with a tiny room and different seats I went a bit for looks.
2 car double speaker sub woofers (each 1 aktive one passive)
Since I had not the height to put the Infinity main full range speaker upright, I put them down and as a center I added another smaller Infinity.
I always had problems with the rear speaker setup, I never got the effect I wanted that every place hears the left and right correctly.
I had some old Philips "5.1" surround speakers where they put 3 seperated speakers into one curved case with 6 lines coming out. The Philips setup was the 2 curved surround speakers and on sub woofer. Sounded good but was not really a 5.1
So I installed the Philips over one seat each and connected the outside speakers to left and right each. Since the speakers are 1.3  Meter / 4 feet obove the head, the left and right audio is very well to make out.
An Onkyo 5.1 with enough power to make the windows vibrate takes care of the audio.
An old Sony laptop is used as a Kodi windows PC but will be replaced with an Amlogic  S905x3 Android box what runs on CoreElec. This 26 Euro / 29$ box has power enough to run 4 k, what I will never use, since...

My visual output is an fullHD Epson 3D Projector.
The projection wall is in an angle that the front speakes are in a slight angle towards the right seat, what is fine with me since I can not move them further appart because of the hallway.  

Not too bad when you see the last picture what it looked like when we moved in and I thought, maybe a dining area..



IMAX@Home on the room sized screen since 1989
This gives me an idea for my living room setup. I live on 2 acres with 3 families. My wife and I, my parents house about 100 feet away, and my mom's parents, 300+ away. The nearest neighbors otherwise are at least 5-600 feet away. I can crank up the movies. They seem to have no issue having their damn parties every weekend with music that can be heard from a mile away. Why can't I?
Bass....something like this.
or this
forgot the screen
and a pic
sorry, as you can see I live in simple surroundings with a very limited budget, everything exept the projector and the amp is second hand.
But you bass shure beats the heck out of mine, all my speakers you can see cost 250$ used, how much were yours?

oh and this week i retired the laptop with a 25$ x96 max+ Android box with CoreElec and it beats the heck out of the laptop.
IMAX@Home on the room sized screen since 1989
I built all the speakers, subs, along with the sound absorption panels and equipment stand over the course of 5 years.  Building and or buying as I had extra money.
the last thing  I built to help shake my seats,
(2020-09-27, 01:19)GranCanaria Wrote: sorry, as you can see I live in simple surroundings with a very limited budget, everything exept the projector and the amp is second hand.
But you bass shure beats the heck out of mine, all my speakers you can see cost 250$ used, how much were yours?

oh and this week i retired the laptop with a 25$ x96 max+ Android box with CoreElec and it beats the heck out of the laptop.

Totally great. When I visit this Island again I come and visit you. When I started developing for kodi, I did not even have the money to buy the AMD Fusion E350 Board and had to wait some additional month to make it reality.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.

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if you have no direct neighbors you can go for bass0
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