Question about Updating Databases via CMD
Hey Guys - 

Quick question...  I do all scraping via the TMM3 GUI yet have scripts that move media titles around nightly.  What I'd like to do is have the datasources automatically update each morning after the scripts that move media complete.  I understand that the string "tinyMediaManagerCMD.exe -update" will update the datasources, but have two questions concerning it...
  1. Does the TMM3 GUI need to be closed in order for the string above to work properly?  If not closed, will changes automatically be reflected in the GUI following the update?
  2. If the GUI does need to be closed first, is there a string that will safely close the GUI if accidentally left open?  If not could script something to only run update string if GUI task isn't present or use taskkill, but don't want to risk DB corruption.
- BzowK -
No, and no.
The database can only be opened by ONE process at a time, and if the GUI is open, cmd process will abort.

You might want to kill the java process prior executing your TMM cmd batch file.
Although not the safest method, it should not harm the DB...
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