Shortcuts and Trailers
First off I'd like to say this is a great program and wish I had found it years ago. It has without a doubt saved me countless hours of movie management. However I do have a few questions regarding the program.

1) I currently download my movies and have radarr cutoff at Remux. With that being said there are times I can start with a movie being a Web-DL and be replaced with either a Blu-ray or Remux. When radarr deletes the old movie and replaces it in the dame folder tMM does successfully gathers all video file information however it won't chance the source. I will have to manually edit from Web-DL to either Blu-ray or Remux. tMM also will never recognize Remux even if it is a new file.

2) Is there a way to add shortcuts to some commands and if not would you be able to implement that?

3) I'm currently updating all my files with trailer hard copies but every time tMM tries to download from youtube it gets an error. Is this something you are aware of or going to be fixed in the future?

Again great program and keep up the good work

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