How to pay via Kontonummer / Überweisung for TMM v4 ?

I'm sure, it was asked before, anywhere, but I cannot find any info atm.

I'm not able to register on paddle, read their terms&conditions, agree with it, etc. nor understand, how to use it. (And will/can not spend lifetime on that)

What other ways for paying for a liceence for tmm v4 are available?

I'd like to pay with the good old Überweisung.

sorry, but we need a proper payment system for several reasons. The main reason is to handle local VAT the right way (which we are not able to do ourselves). 

So the only way to get a license is to pay via paddle (or contribute to the project somehow)

EDIT: you can contact me via PM for more information
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@xbozzo I've just tried to answer you, but you have private messaging disabled...
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(2020-10-14, 17:34)mlaggner Wrote: @xbozzo I've just tried to answer you, but you have private messaging disabled...

I wasn't aware, that writting PMs is enabled when receiving them is disabled Smile fixed... (sorry for wasting time)

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