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v19 Aeon MQ 8 for Matrix Mod
(2022-03-27, 15:26)latts9923 Wrote: @andrzejls
Please send a screenshot with the scrambled "NO CRITICS". I had to update the skin code after updating Metadautils. I think it's working now and what you're seeing is the NO CRITICS with the actual critics info on top of each other.

Yeah, my library is on a local drive.
That is exactly it. I have already reverted back, so I dont have screenshot for you, sorry.
I love this skin but honestly don't understand it at times. Was browsing my library. Had it set on Artwork Helper for fanart. Then I switched to the TMDB Helper add on. It was still set to AH, so I switched it to Default so I could see the proper fanart for the movies listed. But when I switched back to my Library, it had changed the setting to Default from AH so I couldn't see the additional fanart.   It is supposed to do that? It's really annoying
(2022-03-27, 13:35)latts9923 Wrote: @andrzejls
Try downloading the latest update for Skin Helper (v1.1.43) and Metadatautils (1.0.49) from the Marcelveldt repo. You will need to manually download each one from github.
Follow up.
So I reinstalled Metadatautils (1.0.49) so I could take picture of Movies Information screen. BTW, how you attach picture here?
Just want to make sure I understand what happened...you switched your Art setting from Artwork Helper to Default, and when you exited and entered Movies again it was still set to Default. If that is what happened, that is the correct behavior.

A lot of folks use Imagr to post screenshots. Try this before sending the screenshot. Open DialogVideoInfo.xml and find...

<control type="label">
<!-- MetaCritic No Ratings -->
<aspectratio align="center">keep</aspectratio>
<label>NO CRITICS</label>
Change this to...

<control type="label">
<!-- MetaCritic No Ratings -->
<aspectratio align="center">keep</aspectratio>
<label>NO CRITICS</label>
<visible>!Integer.IsGreater(ListItem.Votes(metacritic),0) + String.IsEmpty(Window(Home).Property(SkinHelper.ListItem.MetaCritic.Votes))</visible>
Now open KODI and see what the Metacritic rating looks like.
(2022-03-28, 12:34)latts9923 Wrote: @RCBodyslam
Just want to make sure I understand what happened...you switched your Art setting from Artwork Helper to Default, and when you exited and entered Movies again it was still set to Default. If that is what happened, that is the correct behavior.

A lot of folks use Imagr to post screenshots. Try this before sending the screenshot. Open DialogVideoInfo.xml and find...

<control type="label">
<!-- MetaCritic No Ratings -->
<aspectratio align="center">keep</aspectratio>
<label>NO CRITICS</label>
Change this to...

<control type="label">
<!-- MetaCritic No Ratings -->
<aspectratio align="center">keep</aspectratio>
<label>NO CRITICS</label>
<visible>!Integer.IsGreater(ListItem.Votes(metacritic),0) + String.IsEmpty(Window(Home).Property(SkinHelper.ListItem.MetaCritic.Votes))</visible>
Now open KODI and see what the Metacritic rating looks like.
What I meant was that I reverted back from 1.049 to the previous version.
I just modified code in DialogVideoInfo.xml as per your suggestion and looks great. Still, I only see "IMDb" "The MOVIE DB" and "CRITICS" info. All other info is blank.
@latts9923 I made that change to DialogVideoInfo.xml and I now get a MetaCritics score on all my movies...nice! Nothing else changed.
@latts9923 I changed the setting from AH to Default after I exited my movie library. After I went back in, it was still set to Default. Just a bit confusing because I'm positive in the past on different versions of skin and Kodi, it would remember and keep what I originally had it set to (AH) .And also in my TV Library, it switches from AH to Extra Fanart when I go to Season view, then to Default in Episode view, instead of staying the same for all three. But if that's normal behavior, it's cool. I was just curious. Thanks.
Since Metacritic is working for you now, I'm trying to figure out why the RT rating info is not. Try this for me...enter this URL (http://www.omdbapi.com/?apikey=XXXXXXXX&i=tt0905372) and see what results you get. Replace the "X"s with your API key.

I'll double check since the MQ 8 code is different than MQ 7, but I'm pretty sure that TV Shows, Seasons, and Episodes have their own Artwork settings.
@latts9923 If I issue that string ( https://www.omdbapi.com/?apikey=XXXXXXXXX&i=tt0905372 ) and replace the XXXXXXXX with my OMDB api key it returns -

{"Response":"False","Error":"Invalid API key!"}

However, I know my OMDB api key is still valid and is working because if I issue the following string - http://www.omdbapi.com/?i=tt0905372&apikey=XXXXXXXXX and replace the XXXXXXXXX with my OMDB api key it returns the following - 

{"Title":"The Thing","Year":"2011","Rated":"R","Released":"14 Oct 2011","Runtime":"103 min","Genre":"Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi","Director":"Matthijs van Heijningen Jr.","Writer":"Eric Heisserer, John W. Campbell Jr.","Actors":"Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Joel Edgerton, Ulrich Thomsen","Plot":"At an Antarctica research site, the discovery of an alien craft leads to a confrontation between graduate student Kate Lloyd and scientist Dr. Sander Halvorson.","Language":"English, Norwegian, Danish","Country":"Canada, United States","Awards":"5 nominations","Poster":"https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTMxMjI0MzUyNl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNjc1NzE5NQ@@._V1_SX300.jpg","Ratings":[{"Source":"Internet Movie Database","Value":"6.2/10"},{"Source":"Rotten Tomatoes","Value":"34%"},{"Source":"Metacritic","Value":"49/100"}],"Metascore":"49","imdbRating":"6.2","imdbVotes":"129,592","imdbID":"tt0905372","Type":"movie","DVD":"31 Jan 2012","BoxOffice":"$16,928,670","Production":"N/A","Website":"N/A","Response":"True"}
That's odd. It shouldn't matter whether you enter the API key or the IMDb ID first...the result should be the same.

OK, try this URL with your key...http://www.omdbapi.com/?apikey=XXXXXXXX&i=tt0905372&plot=full&r=xml&tomatoes=true.

You should see the following result...


<root response="True">
<movie title="The Thing" year="2011" rated="R" released="14 Oct 2011" runtime="103 min" genre="Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi" director="Matthijs van Heijningen Jr." writer="Eric Heisserer, John W. Campbell Jr." actors="Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Joel Edgerton, Ulrich Thomsen" plot="Paleontologist Kate Lloyd is invited by Dr. Sandor Halvorson to join his team who have found something extraordinary. Deep below the Antarctic ice, they have found an alien spacecraft that has been there for perhaps 100,000 years. Not far from where the craft landed, they find the remains of the occupant. It's cut out of the ice and taken back to their camp but as the ice melts, the creature reanimates and not only begins to attack them but manages to infect them, with team members devolving into the alien creature." language="English, Norwegian, Danish" country="Canada, United States" awards="5 nominations" poster="https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTMxMjI0MzUyNl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNjc1NzE5NQ@@._V1_SX300.jpg" metascore="49" imdbRating="6.2" imdbVotes="129,592" imdbID="tt0905372" type="movie" tomatoMeter="34" tomatoImage="rotten" tomatoRating="5.1" tomatoReviews="174" tomatoFresh="59" tomatoRotten="115" tomatoConsensus="It serves the bare serviceable minimum for a horror flick, but The Thing is all boo-scares and a slave to the far superior John Carpenter version." tomatoUserMeter="42" tomatoUserRating="3.1" tomatoUserReviews="41042" tomatoeURL="https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/the_thing_2011/" DVD="31 Jan 2012" BoxOffice="N/A" Production="N/A" Website="N/A"/>

The RT info will be at the end.
@latts9923 The result is - 

<root response="False">
<error>Invalid API key!</error>

again, I know my OMDB api key is valid. And if I rearrange your api call to put the api key at the end like this - 


(and of course replace the XXXXXXXXX with my OMDB api key) I get this - 

<root response="True">
<movie title="The Thing" year="2011" rated="R" released="14 Oct 2011" runtime="103 min" genre="Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi" director="Matthijs van Heijningen Jr." writer="Eric Heisserer, John W. Campbell Jr." actors="Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Joel Edgerton, Ulrich Thomsen" plot="Paleontologist Kate Lloyd is invited by Dr. Sandor Halvorson to join his team who have found something extraordinary. Deep below the Antarctic ice, they have found an alien spacecraft that has been there for perhaps 100,000 years. Not far from where the craft landed, they find the remains of the occupant. It's cut out of the ice and taken back to their camp but as the ice melts, the creature reanimates and not only begins to attack them but manages to infect them, with team members devolving into the alien creature." language="English, Norwegian, Danish" country="Canada, United States" awards="5 nominations" poster="https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTMxMjI0MzUyNl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNjc1NzE5NQ@@._V1_SX300.jpg" metascore="49" imdbRating="6.2" imdbVotes="129,592" imdbID="tt0905372" type="movie" tomatoMeter="34" tomatoImage="rotten" tomatoRating="5.1" tomatoReviews="174" tomatoFresh="59" tomatoRotten="115" tomatoConsensus="It serves the bare serviceable minimum for a horror flick, but The Thing is all boo-scares and a slave to the far superior John Carpenter version." tomatoUserMeter="42" tomatoUserRating="3.1" tomatoUserReviews="41042" tomatoeURL="https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/the_thing_2011/" DVD="31 Jan 2012" BoxOffice="N/A" Production="N/A" Website="N/A"/>
@latts9923 Deleted to avoid all confusion, sorry.
@latts9923 Playing around a bit with the OMDB api call formatting, the api key does not have to actually be last. For example the following two api calls work equally well - 



The usage examples on the OMDB api web page look to be wrong/misleading since they sure look to show the api key as following the "?".
Yeah, you can move those values around in any order in the URL. Hey, check something for me now that we know your API is working. Open simplecache.db and look for metadatautils.get_omdb_info (or something like that....I'm away from my PC) and see if any of the RT rating info ("tomatoReviews", "tomatoMeter", etc.) is in the data field for one of your Movies.
@latts9923 Yes, I see many instances of the string "tomatoMeter" with scores for my movies in simplecache.db. For example - 

metadatautils.get_rt_ratings.sully.moviesbQÏñ{'title': 'sully', 'audienceScoreAll.averageRating': '4', 'audienceScoreAll.likedCount': 17589, 'audienceScoreAll.notLikedCount': 3364, 'audienceScoreAll.ratingCount': 48732, 'audienceScoreAll.reviewCount': 2120, 'audienceScoreAll.audienceClass': 'upright', 'audienceScoreAll.score': 84, 'tomatometerScoreAll.averageRating': '7.20', 'tomatometerScoreAll.likedCount': 295, 'tomatometerScoreAll.notLikedCount': 53, 'tomatometerScoreAll.ratingCount': 348, 'tomatometerScoreAll.reviewCount': 348, 'tomatometerScoreAll.tomatometerState': 'certified-fresh', 'tomatometerScoreAll.score': 85, 'tomatometerScoreTop.averageRating': '7.10', 'tomatometerScoreTop.likedCount': 60, 'tomatometerScoreTop.notLikedCount': 14, 'tomatometerScoreTop.ratingCount': 74, 'tomatometerScoreTop.reviewCount': 74, 'tomatometerScoreTop.tomatometerState': 'certified-fresh', 'tomatometerScoreTop.score': 81

I see no instances of the string "tomatoReviews" in simplecache.db.
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