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v19 Aeon MQ 8 for Matrix Mod
I am not able to get to the repo to update to v1.0.2.3, the site seems to be unavailable.
Kodi ver.19.1  Aeon MQ 8 Matrix Mod Windows 10 
@Shredder_guitar The repo hasn't worked for me for the last 2 updates. I just grab the zip file (from the first post here) and install from the zip. Not sure of the reason.
I'll take a look at the repo when I get back to my mod PC this evening.
@wags1  Thanks for the suggestion, yep I ended up doing that this time around 
@latts9923  Thanks for looking
Kodi ver.19.1  Aeon MQ 8 Matrix Mod Windows 10 
I've looked at all the repo files and everything seems to be in order. I see the latest version via the repo on my Windows PC. What system are you two running KODI on?
@latts9923 I run Kodi on 2 Nvidia Shields. I see the same issue on both. Odd thing is that all my other addons seem to auto update without problems, even other ones from your repo. What I see for your mod is that the DL of the update initiates and if I look in addons it lists it under "currently downloading" but at some point all transfer activity stops and the DL never finishes.
you could use ember Media manager that will select all and set to unwatched.
Hello everyone,

It's my first post and I would like to thanks @latts9923 for his great job.
It's for me the best skin for Kodi.

But I see some little bugs that could be fixed (some are very little).
Sorry for my english and for the screenshots but I am french :-)



This is the main page. You can see that under some letters (here A and R) you have some dashes. The letter M looks like good.




On the main page, I display the last added movies.
But as you can see, some jackets are larger than others. They are not all the same size.
I think it depends on the size on picture files. All pictures haven't the same dimension.
but I think you could standardize all the jackets display regardless of the dimension

You also do that into the options : 

Here all jackets have the same size


It's linked with the previous problem
On the main page, the symbol for the viewed movies is not good placed. It's to low.


Some little jackets are almost good. But a little to low or to high. And it's with the jackets witch are smaller then the others


The problem is the same when you select a movie. It's to low :


And if you you into movie informations, it's to high :


But like for the previous bug,  if you go to the options where you can choose the viewed symbol, it's good placed
If you zoom, you can see it's just one pixel too far to the right ;-)

I have some more and I will post it tomorrow

Best regards
@latts9923 - so I am already usign your mod here (KUDOS - fantastic work mate !!) albeit it is an old version ....
I now want to upgrade to the latest version - and my question is: Is there a specific way to do that, or is it simply like installing it from scratch ?
Also, will all settings etc. be retained ?


On the main movie page I display the last added movies.
If you select one and press to display the menu, after few seconds the discart is showed, alone :


It's not really nice. 
Maybe should you hide the discart art when the menu is showed. Or let the jacket big with the discart like you do when you enter into the movies selection. The menu is showed and both jacket and discart also :

You're welcome! Agreed...@MarcosQui creates the best skins.

I have a font editor. I can take a look at that font and see if I can fix that.

I have a fix for the poster sizes and watched flag position.

I'll take a look at #4 when I can.

Thanks for the kind words!

If you install my repo (link in first post of this thread), you can download the latest version of the skin...and updating the skin will not reset your skin settings. You can always save a copy of your settings.xml just in case.
@Latts...is this a payed Addon or can I go ahead & install from your Repo...useing a shield Pro on 19.4 .....Thanks
Some Bugs Smile

1. It's not possible to install the Skin via the Repo on Nvidia Shield TV Pro (Android) / Win 11 works
2. Skin Refreshrate are extrem low if go to settings page in mainmenu. It goes down to under 4 frames/second
3. Skin are damn slow on latest nightly builds or maven builds. Normal Framerate in Mainmenu is 55-60 FPS now it's only 17-30 PFS (Tested on Shield TV Pro / Android)

Screenshot was to small 


It's free to install from my repo, but I know there are problems using the Nvidia Shield as @DarkStarXxX has stated.

I haven't tested the skin with any build of Nexus. I'm sure there will be some compatibility problems...especially with an Nvidia Shield.
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