Hello everyone,
It's my first post and I would like to thanks @
latts9923 for his great job.
It's for me the best skin for Kodi.
But I see some little bugs that could be fixed (some are very little).
Sorry for my english and for the screenshots but I am french :-)
This is the main page. You can see that under some letters (here A and R) you have some dashes. The letter M looks like good.
On the main page, I display the last added movies.
But as you can see, some jackets are larger than others. They are not all the same size.
I think it depends on the size on picture files. All pictures haven't the same dimension.
but I think you could standardize all the jackets display regardless of the dimension
You also do that into the options :
Here all jackets have the same size
It's linked with the previous problem
On the main page, the symbol for the viewed movies is not good placed. It's to low.
Some little jackets are almost good. But a little to low or to high. And it's with the jackets witch are smaller then the others
The problem is the same when you select a movie. It's to low :
And if you you into movie informations, it's to high :
But like for the previous bug, if you go to the options where you can choose the viewed symbol, it's good placed
If you zoom, you can see it's just one pixel too far to the right ;-)
I have some more and I will post it tomorrow
Best regards