v20 LibreELEC Nightly Builds for Raspberry Pi
(2021-01-08, 15:18)Germeleon Wrote: Does anyone know this?

We do now, but perhaps you can tell/ask this on the LibreELEC forum?
(2021-01-08, 15:25)Klojum Wrote:
(2021-01-08, 15:18)Germeleon Wrote: Does anyone know this?

We do now, but perhaps you can tell/ask this on the LibreELEC forum?
(2021-01-08, 15:25)Klojum Wrote:
(2021-01-08, 15:18)Germeleon Wrote: Does anyone know this?

We do now, but perhaps you can tell/ask this on the LibreELEC forum?
BTW, i'm not able to post or answer in the libreelec forum - i'm logged in as user but don't see a box to insert text. If i press the quoting button, it copies all in the background and i can't type in any texts. I don't know what to do.
(2020-11-29, 12:55)HiassofT Wrote: RPi

Hello Hiassoft, i read deeply your post. Thanks for that. Do you knows if the video problem you mention are the cause also for 3D (SBS or TAB) problem on PI4 ? Thanks for your answer.
Hi, im wondering after upgrading from LE18 to LE19 nightly the i2c is i2c-11 and i2c-12 the values are completely messed up
There's nothing messed up, i2c-10/11 are the DDC channels of the HDMI ports, used by the display driver.

so long,

With the newest build librespot stopped working with "too many faults"
Please read the first post:
Quote:This post is to notify Kodi forum users where to find the builds, it's not a support thread.
LibreELEC specific issues should be posted on the LibreELEC forums: https://forum.libreelec.tv/board/35-bug-reports/

so long,

will any of the nightly builds be the actual 19.0 release build?
Where would I download the release tar file to update the same way we do with these nightly builds by dropping it in the update folder and rebooting?
(2021-02-20, 02:27)J_E_F_F Wrote: will any of the nightly builds be the actual 19.0 release build?

Look at the bottom of this page: https://test.libreelec.tv/
The newest builds should have Kodi 19 on board. The last build was done yesterday, assuming you need the RPi4 version. The RPi2/3 version was done this morning.

Upgrading/downgrading goes as usual via .update folder. In case you have an alternate skin active, perhaps better switch to Estuary first before upgrading.
(2020-11-29, 12:55)HiassofT Wrote: Don't bother testing RPi1 builds, RPi0/1 are too slow to cope with the new 3D graphics drivers and very certainly we won't be doing any LE10 releases for RPi0/1.

Is there a timeline for 3D-MVC support on the Pi4?
Hi, is there a way to add the builds to a 'custom channel' in the LibreELEC settings?
Just pasting 'https://test.libreelec.tv/?C=M;O=D' there doesn't seem to work.
(2021-02-20, 13:51)KaraokeAmerica Wrote: Is there a timeline for 3D-MVC support on the Pi4?


The downside of moving to standard interfaces for video decode and display is plumbing for things more niche features like 3d just doesn't exist.
While it would be possible to get things working (ideally with support from v4l2, ffmpeg, drm maintainers) this is currently low priority.

If 3D MVC is important then stick with Kodi Leia for now.
(2021-02-22, 17:43)Smultie Wrote: Hi, is there a way to add the builds to a 'custom channel' in the LibreELEC settings?
Just pasting 'https://test.libreelec.tv/?C=M;O=D' there doesn't seem to work.

Yes, see Update URL/channel for nightly builds on libreelec forum.
(2020-12-27, 18:34)themew Wrote:
(2020-12-19, 22:47)HiassofT Wrote: Quick heads up: kernel 5.10.1 update and a first version to fix seeking with H264 (and MPEG2/4 on RPi2/3) hardware decoding were merged into master today and should be in the next nightly.

CEC on RPi2/3 should work again and H264 hardware decoding is now enabled by default on RPi4.

H264 seeking isn't perfect yet, sometimes it jumps to the beginning of the file (this is being investigated). You may also notice a bunch of ERROR lines in kodi log when seeking, these were (temporarily) added to make debugging seek issues easier - just ignore these if seeking works fine for you.

Video occasionally cutting out on RPi2/3 is still an issue, this is also being looked into.

so long,


Still working off the last Milhouse version and anxious to try the latest LE nightly.  Any update on these issues you mentioned using the current nightly on the RPi2/3?

I know it was a long time ago but I've just put together a KODI RPi4 / LibreElec machine and I'm getting the seek errors if you mean FF & rewind. Can go to beginning of file or just freeze. Pressing X usually goes back to file list. I've been posting about it on LibreElec. I've tried various releases of LibreElec, OSMC and XBian with the same results.

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LibreELEC Nightly Builds for Raspberry Pi0
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