v20 LibreELEC Nightly Builds for Raspberry Pi
How  do I use  the .img.gz files to update?
Exactly the same as with .tar files. Place them in the .update folder and reboot LibreELEC. The file will be auto-unpacked.
That worked perfectly..  THank You~~!!
ace, thank you
(2022-05-07, 16:29)Mannshoch Wrote: Thanks 😆
Was not was I meant. Is there a Roadmap? Would be nice if I had something to look forward to. I'm not a developer but i like it to see, how tools I use proceeds.

Not really a roadmap but you can see the progress the Devs make with a compare of the release to the current Git.

I used it to see if the current nightly contained the updated kernel (5.10.80) that might fix my crashing IR remote on my NUC (ite_cir throws a "kernel: rc rc0: receive overflow"). It does, so we'll see (thanks Devs Smile ).
Using a NUC7PJYHN and a 2820FYKH0 Intel NUC running LibreELEC, and two FireTVs.:)
When changes are merged to Kodi master, how long does it take for it to be in the nightlies?
Lots of improvments i nightlys, running LibreELEC-RPi4.arm-11.0-nightly-20220901-a1a77bf now and smb is what it used to be again, my screen is now reported as HDR10 for the first time.
(2022-08-08, 19:08)Nekromantik Wrote: When changes are merged to Kodi master, how long does it take for it to be in the nightlies?

Have the RC1 developments, including the post-"API break" changes, been incorporated into LibreELEC nightlies yet? I can't claim to understand the issue, but perhaps there might be some benefit to installing afresh rather than updating?
OOoh, v12 builds are out, cool!

Should I stick with the arm builds? How is arm64?

Has anyone went for the pi4 64bit upgrade from pi4 v11 arm, any issues?
(2023-03-11, 13:08)xanloves Wrote: OOoh, v12 builds are out, cool!

Should I stick with the arm builds? How is arm64?

Has anyone went for the pi4 64bit upgrade from pi4 v11 arm, any issues?
aarm64 works very well. Not aware of any regressions and performance is improved.
Be aware that arm binary addons previously installed won't work, so you'll need to reinstall to get aarch64.

Setting up from scratch would be safer, but an upgrade from arm worked okay for me.
Also note, inputstream helper doesn't yet support arm64 widevine install so addons like Netflix may not work yet. https://github.com/emilsvennesson/script...issues/530

Workaround is to manually install it or use my slyguy video test addon to install it for you

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LibreELEC Nightly Builds for Raspberry Pi0
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