How to Play Songs in Fullscreen mode?
I am new to this skin and have been trying to set this up with no luck.  How do I set the default to play songs in fullscreen mode (music visualisation screen)?  Many thanks.
(2020-11-26, 07:04)RobinTW Wrote: trying to set this up with no luck
Luck shouldn't be part of the equation. In settings>interface>startup you can chose startup window 'music'. Check this add-on and here
(2020-11-26, 22:13)PatK Wrote:
(2020-11-26, 07:04)RobinTW Wrote: trying to set this up with no luck
In settings>interface>startup you can chose startup window 'music'. 

This only takes it to "Music" at startup.  I want to play songs in fullscreen mode automatically or at least by pressing a button.  I am using LibreELEC and TV remote with CEC as the control.  The control is very limited.
Did the add-on work?


This service simply executes party mode or playlist on Kodi startup or on screensaver.
(2020-11-27, 18:56)PatK Wrote: Did the add-on work?


This service simply executes party mode or playlist on Kodi startup or on screensaver.

Never mind.  I have switched to other skins that support the function.  Thanks anyway.

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