Add-ons by Josh.5
Download the repository zip and install it in Kodi from here:

I've created a few projects recently that may be of interest to other people.
The add-ons in my repo are working ok, but need some attention. Unfortunately, it seems my time is often split on other projects, so some of the finer details of these add-ons still need some work.

If you are willing to throw us a PR on GitHub to tidy them up, that would be much appreciated.


Unmanic (Docker):Unmanic is a simple tool for optimising your video library to a single format. The ultimate goal of Unmanic is to take the complexity out of converting your whole media library. The idea is to simply point Unmanic at your library and let it manage it.

This add-on runs Unmanic as a Docker container.
Requires LibreELEC or similar.

Unmanic is a simple tool for optimising your video library to a single format. The ultimate goal of Unmanic is to take the complexity out of converting your whole media library. The idea is to simply point Unmanic at your library and let it manage it.

This add-on runs Unmanic natively.
Requires Kodi >= v19 for Python 3.
Compatible with x86, x86_64, ARMv6, ARMv7, ARM64

mergerfs is a union filesystem geared towards simplifying storage and management of files across numerous commodity storage devices. It is similar to mhddfs, unionfs, and aufs.

Currently only compatible with x86_64. Could update it to ARM support if there is any interest.

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Add-ons by Josh.50