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I will say, the playlist type not switching is a bug that I have experienced and one we have talked about here. My understanding is that this was Kodi server behavior. If your understanding of that separate issue has changed then I’d love for a fix on it.
The playlist is not updating when using the remote button since September 12th. This is a not yet reported side effect on changing remote button's behaviour in the NowPlaying screen. Before, it triggered to unhide the "half remote". After, it opens the full remote. Will need a dedicated fix.

Edit: Fixed. Reason was that the NowPlaying controller is unloaded while using fullscreen remote and therefor cannot process any updates. I now just enabled the same solution how it is handled for showing playlist item details. The playlist is just reloaded once coming back from full screen remote.

Working on the playlist type not switching automatically might be causing problems as this is related to the state machine. Still need to dig into what caused this, and if there was a certain motivation behind. Let's see....

Edit: Now I understood again what the problem with this is. The user might have selected a certain playlist type for a reason, e.g. to have a look at a music playlist while a movie is playing. So, you do not want the playlist type to change to video playlist while music playlist is shown. The playlist type still *will* switch once the video playlist is updated, e.g. by playing another movie from the database or adding a movie to the playlist. This whole thing is not so straight forward as it seems.
(2025-01-17, 20:47)amasephy Wrote: Second issue: not new but I’m getting a handle on how to reproduce. Sometimes the remote button in the upper right corner will be dim. Almost like a transparency is being applied. I think it has something to do with sliding between panes by navigation. Given the right gestures and timing the button will be dim. Maybe 50% transparency. It’s very obvious.
From reviewing the code I cannot a way how to get to this situation. Both icons are added to the navigation bar, and color changes are only applied to the complete bar, but not to the icons separately. If you find a way to reproduce, please share. Otherwise I am stuck.
I can reproduce it, but not reliably. Toggle the remote from the upper right corner then play with slidding back to the previous pane. This is what I do to trigger it. I feel like it has to do with when you left go of the pane and let it slide the rest of the way.
Somehow sounds like an iOS rendering issue. But I am still not 100% clear on how your use case is. What I tried: Enter music library mode > files > full screen remote (via navigation bar icon) > moving back (via Back button in navigation bar) --  then back and forth between full screen remote an files mode. I could never reach the issue you describe. Maybe you can share a video?
Here’s a video. It took me a couple of tries while recording (which I mostly edited out) to capture this video.

Note: slowing down the captured video allowed me to analyze the effects. When you press either the power button or the remote button they each will dim when pressed. Normally this is not visible in usage. However the settings gear button does not dim when pressed. This is why this problem has not manifested before.
(2025-01-18, 14:20)amasephy Wrote: Here’s a video. It took me a couple of tries while recording (which I mostly edited out) to capture this video.

Note: slowing down the captured video allowed me to analyze the effects. When you press either the power button or the remote button they each will dim when pressed. Normally this is not visible in usage. However the settings gear button does not dim when pressed. This is why this problem has not manifested before.
Thanks. I need to figure out how you are able to slow down the animation back from the full screen remote. But anyway, I am sure this is an iOS effect. Btw, for me the settings gear (on the remote screen) is also dimming when pressed, as the power and nowplaying icon as well. Easy the see when just keep pressing the button.
I slow it down by playing back the recording I took on my phone. Basically I slowly scrub through the recording in the photo app. Lets me see frame by frame of the recording.
So, the slowdown is down with the recording, but not in reality. In reality you just move to full screen remote via the button and back via "Back" button?

Edit: Another question: When the button is dimmed, it still works?
When I was speaking of slowdown I was referring to how I could tell the button was dimmed briefly after tapping it but before the pane slides over. Slowdown is just from the recording aspect. Has nothing to do with the app itself.

I “slowdown” the animations via scrubbing through recordings to analyze what the app is doing.

Here’s a video showing this. Btw, I can clearly see the gear definitely does not dim on my phone.

Edit: yes the button works when dimmed.
(2025-01-18, 15:25)amasephy Wrote: Here’s a video showing this. Btw, I can clearly see the gear definitely does not dim on my phone.
Here is mine, taken on my iPhone: video. It dims Smile
Now it dims on my phone. Bizarre issues. This reminds me of the disappearing (x) in the search box. Gotta be iOS like you said.
(2025-01-18, 17:56)amasephy Wrote: Gotta be iOS like you said.
Yep, source of continuous joy.
Another easily reproducible issue with playlists:
Start playback of some music and then start the playback of a slide show. As intended, you can now watch the slideshow with your music in the background. The playlist shows the image just displayed and moves forward accordingly. Now switch to view the music playlist. The current song is highlighted, but the progress bar is not animated (it is stuck at 00:00). Even worse, when you switch then back again to the slide playlist and then back to music. Now nothing is highlighted anymore, the App lost it’s track …
Might be related to the "stop scrolling" feature while editing a playlist?
Behaves different for me, maybe another side effect of the Skind the start video you are using?
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