I’m glad you find them interesting. 🙂 You will likely find this to be just as interesting.
A quick note: now using 16.0 RC2
Finally another issue I noticed months ago but couldn’t figure out how to reproduce until tonight.
You can trick the app into adding Movies to the Music playlist in Now Playing. This could also be a Kodi Server issue though. You will have to make that call.
Steps to reproduce: Activate party mode on the app. Then use the app remote screen and open Movies on the Kodi server. Long press a movie and tap Play Next. Go back to the Now Playing playlist. You have now added a movie to the music playlist.
A second minor issue I noticed while documenting the above bug is also related to the playlist view. The lingering thumbnail.
Steps to reproduce: Start a movie. Go to the now playing playlist. Clear the playlist by shaking. Stop the movie. The thumbnail is still present in the lower right corner even though nothing is playing and the playlist is empty.
A third minor issue: Frozen playback time in currently playing list item in the playlist.
This is a little tricky to reproduce but basically you need to have a few items in the playlist. I used party mode to populate the playlist.
Steps: Start party mode. Try and grab the right edge of the bottom item in the playlist and swipe left. If you get it right you will reveal the red delete button with the word “Delete” on it. Once you successfully reveal this button the current time of the currently playing item freezes even though playback continues. Using the easily accessible edit mode button does not cause this to happen. Most people probably are even aware swipe to delete is even possible here. It’s tough to do because the pane wants to slide over to the remote. I suspect it will be easier for you do in your simulator.
Another minor thing I noticed when pausing and unpausing items in the Now Playing playlist. Weird numerical values flicker in the progress time. See screenshot below - upper left corner.
-31:-23 <—- weird values.
Edit: a quick note about the Now Playing race condition previously reported. That is not the only way to trigger that error. I can actually get it to happen with just using the normal Now Playing from the main menu. No library Now Playing method required but it takes a few tries to get it to happen. If you need me to document this I can try. Basically I just keep viewing the playlist and tap now playing to go back to the album art screen. I might suspend the app in between a few tries. Eventually you get the blank album art view.