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(2024-11-03, 19:55)UlfSchmidt Wrote: The behavior is exactly the same: at the end of the video, the playlist view is set back to movies and remains there when I start any song.
Thanks for checking this use case. I might try to reproduce this here. I am bit worried there is some connection to the playlist state machine. On iPhone you can just re-enter NowPlaying screen to have a clean start. On iPad this is not possible.
(2024-11-03, 19:55)UlfSchmidt Wrote: I gave up using Kodi for Live TV (no longer watching linear television at all) and never used it for radio reception.
Same here. I only have this set up to test it.
@UlfSchmidt, how do I configure a start video in Kodi 21?
I use my own modified version of skin Aeon Tajo which basically offers this feature. (I replaced the startup video by my own and adapted the skin to allow for longer welcome videos.)
Thanks, that explains why I did not find this feature with the current default skin. Even a youtube video showing this feature was demonstrating it on an old Kodi version.
Reporting back concerning app resume connection. I have not experienced this with latest TF so I guess we can confirm your fix for this.

Really happy all the kinks were able to be worked out while maintaining the menu start preference option.
Nice! Thanks for confirming the fix works as intended.
1.16 build 4835
Release Notes

This provides the content of the last test build (final fixes for the wakeup and the image cache rework). On top it fixes few other issues either reported or found while testing. It is the release candidate for 1.16, please find more details in the release notes.
Hi @Buschel, looks really good to me!
Thanks Buschel. This release is looking ready to go from my experience.

I did encounter an issue I cannot reproduce on iPad. The app went into a state where the floating pane was unslideable.

A second issue is if you tap too close to the left edge of the main menu you can trigger a fullscreen sweep on a pane from left to right when it should only sweep from its current position.

See video.

Maybe something can be done about the second one but I wouldn’t hold up this release for it. Maybe next TF if you think it’s worth a look.
Thanks for sharing the 2nd issue. This is not related to where you tap, but when you tap. The issue occurs when you click the main menu while the bounce animation is still active. Will look into it.

The same happens with 1.15 and earlier, if you click main menu during the bounce animation. Main difference is that with the current TF build the bounce animation is done in more uses cases, so you can end up in this situation easier.

Edit: Fixed.
(2024-11-20, 21:00)amasephy Wrote: I did encounter an issue I cannot reproduce on iPad. The app went into a state where the floating pane was unslideable.
Was this happening after using the fullscreen mode? In the code I see that moving the stack is not possible while being in fullscreen mode. Possibly the state is not correctly set back. Maybe this helps reproducing the situation.
I did enter full screen but I did a whole bunch of things that led up to the unmovable panel.

I tried repeating what I could remember doing but couldn’t reproduce. I will keep playing with it but this is one of those things that will probably take awhile to figure out.

Edit: oops. I lied. I just figured it out. Good call on the fullscreen. You’ll laugh when I reveal the technique.

Go into fullscreen.

Press that new now playing button at the bottom of screen. Oops you’ve escaped fullscreen mode but the app doesn’t realize it. 🙂

Also, this might be a showstopper.

When in fullscreen and revealing the search bar. Just simply enter the search bar. The title names on say movies shifts. Only on some movies does it do this. Here’s the kicker: it’s a brand new bug in this TF release.
Great, once reproducible this was easy to fix (a simple 1-liner). And when I was reading it, I was laughing as it was so obvious what happens. This is an issue since the toolbar NowPlaying button got introduced and even is a bug with official release 1.15. Fixed.

The other issue I am not seeing in my simulator (iPad 8G with iOS 18). I tired for albums and movies in landscape and portrait mode.
I will create a video later on the jittering media labels. Happens every single time for me.
(2024-11-21, 13:10)amasephy Wrote: I will create a video later on the jittering media labels. Happens every single time for me.
This will help. Can you also state which iPad and iOS you use?
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