v19 Folder Name Look-Up to get artwork
Calling out to all the skinning guru's...
So, I ran a small test yesterday to see if I could get local landscape artwork to display on my PVR Recording screen by placing half a dozen landscape images into a local folder and naming each file exactly the same as the original epg title, then using the following code:-
$INFO[ListItem.Title,E:\PVR Art\landscape\,.jpg]
I wasn't sure using this approach would actually work on the PVR screens, so was pleasantly surprised when it did. I then tried doing the same using poster, fanart, banner and clearlogo artwork types which all worked as well. I was also able to get artwork for next PVR item to display using this approach, just by changing the ListItem.Title label to ListItem.NextTitle. This isn't currently possible using the regular EPGEventIcon label which will only show artwork for the current EPG item.
Since this worked so well, it got me thinking if I might be able to do a similar thing for all my PVR screens using the local PVR artwork I've downloaded with the Skin Helper Script over the past 4/5 years. I have about 18GB of all the main artwork types that have been neatly placed into individual folders which are named exactly the same as the EPG programme title. Yes, I could use the above method, but renaming and copying every single file to match the exact epg title would be a very long tedious task and not easily transferrable to other users who might wish to use the same local approach and artwork. 
What I would really like to achieve is for Kodi to match the EPG programme title against the folder name in my local directory of artwork and once found, then be able to specify what artwork type I want to display, ie poster, banner, landscape, etc....And this is where I have drawn a complete blank trying to figure out in my own head how I might achieve such a goal.
I'm not even sure if such a thing would even be possible to code using Kodi's skinning language? I was hoping one our experienced skinners/developers might have some clue or bright idea on how I might achieve this?
Quick update:-
Thanks to a hot tip provided by @Angelinas I've been able to achieve exactly what I was looking to do above, by using the following as examples:-
$INFO[ListItem.EpgEventTitle,E:\PVR Art\,\poster.jpg]
$INFO[ListItem.NextTitle,E:\PVR Art\,\poster.jpg]
$INFO[ListItem.Title,E:\PVR Art\,\landscape.jpg]
$INFO[VideoPlayer.Title,E:\PVR Art\,\poster.jpg]

I had tried something similar, but had incorrectly used an '*' instead of using ',' after the 'PVR Art' folder directory shown above.
So, after nearly four months of use, my local PVR artwork directory works like charm and allows me to display artwork for all artwork types (Poster, fanart, landscape, banner, clearlogo, etc). All I need to do is create a folder and name it exactly the same as the TV show entry on the EPG screen and then just populate the folder with the artwork for that show using the standard file naming conventions (I usually download the artwork using the skin helper script, then copy this folder and artwork to my own PVR artwork directory. By using $INFOListitem.NextTitle  it is also possible show artwork for the next TV show as well using this method, which isn't really possible when using $INFO[ListItem.EpgEventIcon].

This is a very simple piece of coding for displaying PVR artwork. As such, it does have certain limitations as well. Special characters such as ':' or '?' cannot be used when naming a TV programme folder for artwork files to be placed into. Also, if the TV show title ends with a full stop or multiple full stops, these also cannot be included as part of the TV show folder name as Windows 10 removes them. In these instances, I will probably continue to use something like the Skin Helper Script. 

So, this is certainly not a total or perfect solution, but I do find using this approach works well enough for my own needs and gives me more flexibility when using artwork on the PVR section(s). Any changes I make to the artwork files in the TV show folders are seen in Kodi instantly on the PVR screens. Local artwork images never end up getting removed, which is something I frequently observed happening when using the Skin Helper Script, which was the main basis for experimenting in the first place.

Takes a few weeks to build up a good working directory of TV shows and Movie folders, filled with their artwork, but once done it's there forever more.

Maybe this will be useful to other users also looking for alternative solutions for PVR artwork....
Post #2 above might be of interest to you....  Wink

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