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(2025-01-21, 01:35)themusj Wrote: Many times the order of certain episodes are changed on TVDB. Those
Sorry, I just can't get my head around this. I don't believe this at all. Like I said, it is almost a miracle when TVDB changes any order, anywhere.
Are you sure you haven't applied some alternate order by default in TV Rename?
Maybe you originally scraped with TMDB, now you have swapped to TVDB and some orders are different between the two sites. That I believe and understand.

(2025-01-21, 01:35)themusj Wrote: When you run for example a library scan with TV Rename
Yea, but that is not Kodi, is it. Kodi can't control what 3rd party software does. If TV Rename is updating your files, why do you expect Kodi to be able to fix that?
Get TV Rename to also update the artwork naming.

Please give me the link to this Monk show. It is obviously not Mr Monk which I checked.
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The Monk example was made up as I was away from my desk. I was trying to illustrate the type of changes.

Ok, I recorded several of the Star Trek series. Quite a bit ago, couple years.

TVRename flagged several of the entire series episodes with needed file name changed.

Specifically, someone added the year to each series episodes. Believe this was done for Star Trek Enterprise and Star Trek Next Generation.

So all my files names had to be changed with Star Trek Enterprise (year it came out) - season/episode number - tile of episode.

Also as I shared I had a lot where the order of episodes was changed. Someone changed the order based on their observations.

I've cleaned up everything now, but I should get a screenshot of something I can paste soon. It won't nearly be such a large list, but will give an example.

I am very perplexed no one else sees this issue.
Here is a simple example. As I shared, I had instances similar to this at least a couple hundred times from my large library.

Ironically, the person who entered this in TVDB made a mistake (I hope to login and fix it on TVDB). Fifth column. They have TWO spaces between The##Ghost#Dance. So in this case my original fine name is correct. But being repetitive now, there were out of my 272 TV shows a huge number of legitimate chances. Anywhere from descriptions needing to be changes of the episodes to the wrong order of which episode they were. 

So the problem I had was TV Rename will rename the mpg file and NFO file, but does not appear to rename the associated artwork. So re-scraping leaves the old artwork with the old names while grabbing the new ones. 

And if I can squeeze another observation in here. TV Rename will grab the artwork, but some on the episodes, some have the -thumb added to the title and some do no, just the episodes title. Does Kodi know what to with them if the -thumb is missing. I am assuming when TV Rename scraps from TVDB, whoever put the thumbnails there in some cases left off the -thumb in the jpg name.

(2025-01-22, 02:29)themusj Wrote: Does Kodi know what to with them if the -thumb is missing

All this is not a Kodi problem. It seems to be a TV Rename problem that is messing around with your files which is affecting the Kodi library.
Don't assume TV Rename is scraping from TVDB. Check!! It could be the reason for all these changes.
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My original question was how this add-on handled artwork in terms of when TVDB updated their show names or episodes. In reality, TV Rename and other applications deal with the same changes. TMM and TV Rename both flagged changes today. Since you suggested you could not wrap your head around what I was trying to explain, I thought this more detailed example would help. I agree it is not a Kodi problem. I was just wondering how the add-on might handle these changes with existing artwork.  The far right column is the old name, the column to the right it the changes on TVDB and which will be renamed by both applications in terms of the filenames and episode names.

(2025-01-25, 17:49)themusj Wrote: My original question was how this add-on handled artwork in terms of when TVDB updated their show names or episodes. In reality, TV Rename and other applications deal with the same changes
It doesn't. Neither does Kodi.
If you change filenames and folder names behind the scenes, then Kodi or any other addon has no capability to recognise those changes.
When it scans your folders, it will see these changes as new files, and will add them to the library, so you will end up with duplicates if you don't clean the stale entries out.
Once you have added items into Kodi, you really shouldn't be fiddling with the files in the background. If you feel it necessary to do that, then delete that show from the Kodi library and start again.
Just don't expect Kodi or any addon to fix the changes you are making in the background.
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