PSP Android Support ? (A) FireTV Stick support RetroArch & (B) IAGL / PPSSPP support
So, I can't get the PPSSPP RetroArch core to work with the Fire Stick 4K, but it works with the same setup on my android phone. Does anyone here have a solution?  (I have copied over all the PPSSPP assets to the retroarch system folder)

Also the PPSSPP app works on the Fire Stick 4K, but I can't launch it from within IAGL with this command.
/system/bin/am start -n org.ppsspp.ppsspp/.PpssppActivity -e org.ppsspp.ppsspp.Shortcuts "%ROM_PATH%"

Is it possible that the PPSSPP app can't access the rom path location?  I know it's stored in a location that's not accessible any file manager out side of KODI.

My workaround now is to use Kodi's File Manager to move the cso file and run it manually with PPSSPP, but it's far from ideal. Any help would be awesome!

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PSP Android Support ? (A) FireTV Stick support RetroArch & (B) IAGL / PPSSPP support0
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