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Kodi 19.0 "Matrix" support
Just tried again using Downloader.
On my Shield the file is showing up as skin.bin
On my Firecube its saying skin.transparency.zip.
In both cases Kodi would not install it as it has an invalid file structure.
And just to confirm it.
Tried on a third device,my Firestick 4k and got the invalid structure again.

Sorry, I can't help you. I am not a skinner. I packaged something up, it works for me and others. I have no idea why it does not work for you.
I am not maintaining this skin so if what I have provided does not work for you, then read the entire thread and piece it all together and install with your own build.
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(2022-03-24, 23:54)Karellen Wrote:
(2022-03-24, 23:44)Mike_D Wrote: does anyone have a working link?
Try this... https://easyupload.io/8depyu
Valid for another 30 days
Gracias, good sir. That one worked. And cheers for the speedy response!

@hostile17, if it's any help, I downloaded the file using Firefox and copied it over to my Raspberry Pi 4 using a flash drive. Then went to kodi's settings - addons - Install From Zipfile.
Thank you Ronnie for creating this and to all that have worked on this for Matrix..

I have been a die hard Transparency! user and have not upgraded [because it just worked] since the last [no laughing] KodiBuntu update.  That machine died and I was forced to switch to a Lenovo m93p Tiny. Nice little machine but now my option was LibreELEC and Matrix.  

Every other skin made me sad. No mater how much I tinkered with them, they just weren't what I knew and loved.

Today, I saw that work had progressed enough and there was a zip available. I installed it and literally shouted "YESSSSSSsssss!!" when old faithful appeared on my screen.

Thank You ! Thank you ! Thank you everybody !!!
Whoa, had given up hope of using T! again on kodi. Works perfectly again (Windows 10, Kodi 19.4). Thanks a bunch to everyone involved.
(2022-01-11, 23:21)xp_eric Wrote: Still have some issues with the patched skin:

CDArt doesn't show. (It shows a blank disk spinning instead of the cd label added to the album):


Anybody can confirm this issues are not on my side?
For me cdart is not displaying too. I went into the skin settings and I cannot set the path to my music home folder. My music is on a NAS connected via smb. When I try to set it, it just does not show my NAS servers at all.
Quote:Anybody can confirm this issues are not on my side?

Even more issues:
  • New episodes on the TV Series main menu are not updated after a startup scan. Only after restarting Kodi they will show.
  • New episodes on the TV Series main menu can not be started. Navigation up you can select the new episodes. Enter should play them directly.
  • After playing a movie LAST PLAYED is partly drawn over the GENRES:

(2022-04-13, 15:20)xp_eric Wrote: Even more issues:
  • New episodes on the TV Series main menu are not updated after a startup scan. Only after restarting Kodi they will show.
This, at least, can be worked around by looking at the "Recently Added" listing view after a scan. The newly found items show up as expected there, and the widget will update next time you return to Home screen.

Not ideal, but its a minor thing for me so haven't been motivated enough to see if I can find what part of the widget's logic chain is misfiring.
(Also - I'm by no means a coder, so absolutely no guarantee I'd be able to work it out even if I did go on a deeper dive  Confused )
(2022-02-06, 20:57)Karellen Wrote:
(2022-02-06, 20:48)christoofar Wrote: Can anyone provide a working link?
Try this... https://easyupload.io/cent6z
Hi, the link is dead, is there another working one please ?

(2022-05-16, 07:40)Calimero Oeuf Wrote: Hi, the link is dead, is there another working one please ?
Yes. Here... https://easyupload.io/sypv5q
Valid for another 30 days
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(2022-05-16, 08:45)Karellen Wrote:
(2022-05-16, 07:40)Calimero Oeuf Wrote: Hi, the link is dead, is there another working one please ?
Yes. Here... https://easyupload.io/sypv5q
Valid for another 30 days
YEAH !!! Thank you very much.
Ignore...See below. Sorry
(2022-05-16, 08:45)Karellen Wrote:
(2022-05-16, 07:40)Calimero Oeuf Wrote: Hi, the link is dead, is there another working one please ?
Yes. Here... https://easyupload.io/sypv5q
Valid for another 30 days
Sorry late to the party, may I please get a reupload?
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