Unable to upgrade to Kodi 19
The upgrade process stucks on CIRServerSuite process : failed to connect to irss

2021-02-23 11:11:24.580 T:17324    INFO <general>: Running database version Addons33
2021-02-23 11:11:24.581 T:17324    INFO <general>: Running database version ViewModes6
2021-02-23 11:11:24.582 T:17324    INFO <general>: Running database version Textures13
2021-02-23 11:11:24.586 T:17324    INFO <general>: Old database found - updating from version 72 to 82
2021-02-23 11:11:27.397 T:17324    INFO <general>: Attempting to update the database MyMusic82 from version 72 to 82
2021-02-23 11:11:27.670 T:17324    INFO <general>: CMusicDatabase::UpdateTables - updating tables
2021-02-23 11:11:31.359 T:14120    INFO <general>: CIRServerSuite:Tonguerocess: failed to connect to irss, will keep retrying every 5 seconds

Anyone knows a solution ?
(2021-02-23, 12:34)micles Wrote: Anyone knows a solution ?

We're not here to solve puzzles with only 7 uninformative pieces.
Next time, post the full, uncut debug-enabled log file, and provide it via the pastebin link below.

CIR = infrared remote stuff. It basically cannot be the problem for a failing upgrade or Kodi start.
hi Klojum

I have that issue too specially that line "failed to connect to irss, will keep retrying every 5 seconds"

I attached the complete debug log and I made a thread here: https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=360689

if you have a solution, please let me know Smile thanks
You can disable connection attempts to IR Server Suite with this advanced setting https://kodi.wiki/view/Advancedsettings....anirserver

If so don't already have an advancesettings.xml (there isn't one by default) then you need to create using wiki instructions and put the following in it:

<advancedsettings version="1.0">
(2021-02-23, 17:33)jjd-uk Wrote: You can disable connection attempts to IR Server Suite with this advanced setting https://kodi.wiki/view/Advancedsettings....anirserver

If so don't already have an advancesettings.xml (there isn't one by default) then you need to create using wiki instructions and put the following in it:

<advancedsettings version="1.0">
Thanks a lot jjd-uk, disabling the IRserver in advancedsettings did the trick

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