Can't find zip file from source URL
Hi mates, probably this was asked hundreds of times.. but I can't find the answer around here and google. I've very simple, I've an addon and I upload it on my website (for private use, my father lives abroad and I can't spend 45min every time typing url in his TV), then I create a new source, writing there URL, but Kody doesn't see nothing there. It display an empty folder if there is an htm file inside, but if only the zip it doesn't even open the folder. How can I solve this?
PS: why Kodi sometimes is such complicated?
Thank you
(2021-02-24, 20:49)GiovanniG Wrote: Hi mates, probably this was asked hundreds of times.. but I can't find the answer around here and google. I've very simple, I've an addon and I upload it on my website (for private use, my father lives abroad and I can't spend 45min every time typing url in his TV), then I create a new source, writing there URL, but Kody doesn't see nothing there. It display an empty folder if there is an htm file inside, but if only the zip it doesn't even open the folder. How can I solve this?
PS: why Kodi sometimes is such complicated?
Thank you
I've realized the problem myself, a web server may not be allowed to show users (kodi) the contents of folder, it was necessary to inser an .htaccess file with:
Options +Indexes
IndexOptions FancyIndexing FoldersFirst NameWidth=* DescriptionWidth=*

but it's also need to remove indexignore command in the root .htaccess file
Kodi now is abe to browse and I have my mini repository (without auto update) to install without typing address

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Can't find zip file from source URL0