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Experimental Youtube Music Addon
(2022-04-01, 12:54)MAPO1978 Wrote: Thank you Goldenfreddy0703! For both tech and moral support. Smile

Hey anytime, Glad to help maintain this project.
Plugin.audio.ytmusic.exp-1.0~beta6 just got released today so if you like, Here is a github link to the project. If you have have any questions or in need of support, Please do not hesitate to ask. 😁
GitHub Link: https://github.com/Goldenfreddy0703/plug...tmusic.exp
Youtube Music Beta Addon News
Hey everyone, i got some great news, we finally got Android/Linux support working super well in our latest plugin.audio.ytmusic.exp-1.0~beta9. The Streaming works super well and we got alot of issues fixed on it.

Please give it a try and tell us what you think and if you guys have any concerns or issues, please ask us on here or github.

Big Thanks to @woernsn for contributing for this project and for keeping Youtube Music alive again on kodi.

We Hope you all enjoy.
Thanks to all who contributed. I will give this one a go asap Smile
I am using the plugin.audio.ytmusic.exp-1.0-beta10 and the audio is awesome!!!!!
but te stream is executaded in video player. Is possible to play in music player?
Hey @sagrath , There should be an option that says "Prefered Stream Type" in the addon settings.
Change that option from Video to Audio and that should play audio as a music player would.
I got the latest version from github (1.0 beta10) and i see it doesn't show the artist name when in fullscreen so there's no way for artist slideshow to pick up the artist art. is that fixable?
I think so but im not sure if our contributors are still helping on working on this addon. We need more contributors in order to fix more stuff on this addon for appearance and function soon. The addon is working really well tho for music and all and it's still very functional.
Gave this a go today, very promising. 

I'm hoping this add-on will continue to mature as YT Music on Android TV is shockingly back and is basically just a bookmark of the main YT app. This could be a great replacement for me on my Shield devices if development continues. 

Well done all involved. Smile
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Hey thank you @Dangelus for giving this addon a try, me and woernsn have been trying to keep this addon alive but we need more contributors to help maintain this addon. We do still have a few bugs but so far but its been the best working with this addon and im glad i helped maintain the best i could.

Again Thank you very much.
Witam i pozdrawiam wszystkich. Świetna praca ale u mnie po wgraniu klucza wywala NO TRACKS FOUND i wszystkie katalogi są puste. Wie ktoś co może być przyczyną. Pomocy bo słuchać się chce. Sprzęt to X96 max plus i kodi 19.5.
Hello and best regards to everyone. Sorry, I forgot the forum is in English. Great job, but after uploading the key, NO TRACKS FOUND crashes and all directories are empty. Someone knows what could be the reason. Help because you want to listen. The hardware is X96 max plus and kodi 19.5.
Hey there @napper , would you mind reporting this issue to github and sending me a log? I'm not sure if im able to fix your issue and we need more contributors to help with this addon. If your could send me a log, that would be great, thank you.

YT Music: https://github.com/Goldenfreddy0703/plug...tmusic.exp
I am sending the logfile uploader https://paste.kodi.tv/ayequvohew
I am really struggling with this cookie part. Can anyone give me the dummies guide?

I tried to install the add-on a couple of times, every time after it asked me to give it the header texte file, I get an error messages that reads :

Attribute Error : module 'pkg.resources' has no attribute 'resource_listdir'

I'm guessing this comes down to the headers file, since pkg_resources.py seems fine.

When I look for the cookies / visitor Id on the yt music webpage, I find quite a long list for the cookies value.
For the Id, I've got 2 '=' at the end, but encoded differently once I paste it in the txt file (%3D%3D vs ==), tried with both.

Maybe I should paste only a part of the 'cookie:' value, or it may also come down to the name I gave to the txt file (just 'headers.txt'), even if I'd find it weird ?

Have you got any idea how to fix this ?
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