Slight modification to script-cu-lrclyrics-main

I just updated to Matrix and am trying to get back to the lyrics formatting I had under Leia. Can you please tell me where to modify script-cu-lrclyrics-main.xml to make transparent the blue background behind the header (behind Alan Jackson - Dallas.mp3 in the image).
Also, having a yellow font might make my text easier to read, but I don't see where to change that either.
I use the default skin.
(2021-03-01, 22:31)Longtime Collector Wrote:

I just updated to Matrix and am trying to get back to the lyrics formatting I had under Leia. Can you please tell me where to modify script-cu-lrclyrics-main.xml to make transparent the blue background behind the header (behind Alan Jackson - Dallas.mp3 in the image).
Also, having a yellow font might make my text easier to read, but I don't see where to change that either.
I use the default skin.
I apparently made a mistake in saving the media from Leia. The answer to removing the blue background is to make culrc-white70.png transparent (I use the online resource

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Slight modification to script-cu-lrclyrics-main0
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