update shared database without using kodi
I have a shared Maria database with 3 clients. All my movies and tvshows have NFO files.

Rather than have any 3 of the clients scrape from the NFO files into the database, I would like to see if there was some way to ingest the information into the database so the clients don't have to do any scraping and the data is just there ready when kodi is launched.

You'll need at least one Kodi device to do the scraping when you want to place metadata into the centralized database. I don't know of 3rd party tools that are 100% fully Kodi compatible in that area and work as a headless solution.

You could utilize an additional Raspberry Pi setup with LibreELEC that is active 24/7 and use crontab settings on it to update the video/music library at certain time intervals.

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update shared database without using kodi0