Is there a way tio INCREASE font size in this skin?
Hi there...
I use the XBOX version of XBMC... in the new build "T3CH XBMC 2008-08-19 SVN rev15026" Media Stream was packadged with it.. so i thought i would try it out.

I was totaly blown away.. very cool skins guys thanks for all your work.

Anyway. I like to have teh media info version showing so I can see the TV Show Ep / Movie Description... also very cool for when you got peopel over for a movie night and they do not know wat 1/2 the films you have are about...

The problem is that the FONT is to small to be easy to read...

How would i go about increasing teh font size for all text in MediaStream... Mainly - The Media Info Text and the File List / Media Lib Videos Name Lists Texts...

Thanks in advance.
There's a Bigger Font option, but I believe that only ups the size of the text in the plot textboxes.

See 720p/Font.xml, and add a new set that bump the sizes up a bit more.

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jmarshall Wrote:There's a Bigger Font option, but I believe that only ups the size of the text in the plot textboxes.

See 720p/Font.xml, and add a new set that bump the sizes up a bit more.


I am sorry.. i have no idea on how to do that.
The next release will include a Massive font but as JMarshall says it doesn't increase the size of all fonts (mostly plots and info text). Once it's out there I'll be checking feedback and will increase the size of other fonts if people want it (can't increase everything carte blanche as it would mess up design positioning etc)
Jyujinkai Wrote:The problem is that the FONT is to small to be easy to read...

How would i go about increasing teh font size for all text in MediaStream... Mainly - The Media Info Text and the File List / Media Lib Videos Name Lists Texts...

Thanks in advance.

I have this problem with all skins on my crappy 14" TV, so I made a script that increases all font sizes by X amount. Here is the Font.xml increased by 10pt:

Here's the .exe I made from the Python script if you want to make your own adjustments:

To use it
1) unrar it somewhere (like your desktop)
2) copy "Mediastream\720p\Font.xml" to "Desktop\xfontsize\Font.xml"
3) start -> run -> type cmd.exe -> click ok
4) type "cd Desktop\xfontsize" -> press enter
5) type "xfontsize Font.xml X" where X is the number you want to modify the fontsize by. It can be positive (increases size) or negative (decreases size). Example: xfontsize Font.xml 10 -> this will make all fonts 10pt bigger. xfontsize Font.xml -10 makes all fonts 10pt smaller.

edit: I uploaded this to my hosting
Python script
Rar file with executable
I did what JM said.

I created some custom font settings in the 720p/font.xml file (under skin). For example, in PM3 you have font10, font12, Special12, etc, etc. I created a new font set within the font.xml called font10M, font12M, Special12M - you get the idea (M=mod).

Give this new "M" font set within the font.xml file a bigger size (Some I needed to increase 5 points).

Then scroll through the view xml files and add "M" after all the font instances you want to change (VideoFullScreen.xml for eg (PM3Skin)). Sounds complicated, but once you suss it, it's very easy - especially if I can do it.

Using xbmc_pc on the desktop is a good way to see the result first and it helps to get you familiar with skin things.

The above post sounds interesting though. Have fun.
ZOTAC IONITX-D-E Intel Atom N330 Dual Core 1.6 GHz NVIDIA ION with LIVE on SSD (now updated to Nvidia Shield Pro (P2897)
That's actually not quite what I meant, and is in fact going further.

All I suggest for a quick start is duplicating the current fontset (i.e. copy + paste), rename the set (not the fontnames - the set name) then just modify the <size> tags of all the fonts by bumping them up.

Then you just pick that fontset from the GUI and you have bigger fonts. No need to touch anything except font.xml.

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jmarshall Wrote:That's actually not quite what I meant, and is in fact going further.

All I suggest for a quick start is duplicating the current fontset (i.e. copy + paste), rename the set (not the fontnames - the set name) then just modify the <size> tags of all the fonts by bumping them up.

Then you just pick that fontset from the GUI and you have bigger fonts. No need to touch anything except font.xml.


Ohhhh...Shocked I'll have to try that as well.
ZOTAC IONITX-D-E Intel Atom N330 Dual Core 1.6 GHz NVIDIA ION with LIVE on SSD (now updated to Nvidia Shield Pro (P2897)
Thanks a lot chapado for your soft. It is perfect for people who don't have (yet! :p) a HDTV.

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I am having the same problem with font size...the default is too small but the +10 points is too big I need one in between probably a +5 or +6 but its a huge pita to do it manually and this link is no longer working...

chapado Wrote:Here's the .exe I made from the Python script if you want to make your own adjustments:

Anyone has the script please pretty please? Smile
The link is down I reinstalled and would need it again.. Anyone so kind to upload it again?
I would also like the python script to change all the font sizes please. I really like MediaStream but the font is just unreadable on my 4:3 32" TV. I know I could go through the Font.xml and change each one at a time but it would be soooo much easier with that script. It's time like this I wish I knew how to write little code like this!
I uploaded this to my hosting
Python script
Rar file with executable
Not to sound lazy and all, but ... well ... I'm guessing most people only need to up their font size by say 4, 8, 12, or 16 rather than install a 3rd party program so they can infinitely resize the font to some exact amount. Can someone who used this program simply create these sizes for the community and the zip up the resulting XML files?

The whole reason I'm using XBMC is that I don't have to jump through hoops to get it to work right (unlike other interfaces). Funny thing is that XBMC is wonderfully configurable for newbies and powerful, except for the one thing most likely to be adjusted from person to person: the font sizes.

Of course you may note that this is my first foray into XBMC, but I'm thinking I'm not alone in this desire. Thanks in advance for anyone who's willing to show mercy on coding / programming idiots like me.
chapado that script is a great timesaver, thanks for sharing

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Is there a way tio INCREASE font size in this skin?1
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