Metropolis 4.0b1 for Kodi 19
Another thing I've noticed is that when you pause video and the OSD comes up, you can't get rid of it by pressing the info button on Yatse or "i" on the keyboard. When you do this, it looks like the OSD fades out and then pops back up again immediately. This functionality works when the video is playing (i.e. pressing info toggles the OSD on and off), but it doesn't when it's paused. I played around with deleting "Player.Paused" in one of of the "<visible>" lines (line 4) of "DialogSeekBar", and then it works in that the info toggle works when paused. The problem is that the OSD does not come up immediately on pausing (for obvious reasons) and you have to press info to bring it up for the first time (and after that the toggle works fine). I've tried my best to find a fix, but frankly the skinning documentation for Kodi is absolutely terrible. Any thoughts on where the bug might be?
(2021-12-20, 15:32)scoonbag Wrote: can't get rid of it by pressing the info button on Yatse or "i" on the keyboard.

There is a setting that you can set that will make all or part of the pause screen fade away at a time interval you can also set.
The issue is that there are 2 "info" screen that you are talking about, one is the screen that pops up when you pause, and a second that pops up when you hit "i" (info).

I think what is happening is that you are pressing pause, and the first is popping up, then you are hitting "i" and now the second is in front and will not go away until you hit "i" again.
The solution should be to set the pause fade settings under the skin settings and then when you pause to not press anything after, you will see that it will go away after the time you set.
If you press "i" at any time, it will only go away when you press it again.

Using a NUC7PJYHN and a 2820FYKH0 Intel NUC running LibreELEC, and two FireTVs.:)
Thanks for responding! I kind of guessed that that's what's happening, but couldn't find the code that responds to the button press so that I could try and tackle it from that end. My hope was that I could find a way of making the OSD that pops up when the video is paused invisible whenever the info mutton is pressed. My other option is to remove the "Player.Paused" option in the OR statement of "DialogSeekBar.xml". That way it pauses without the OSD coming up, but then the toggle works.
I mean you can set it to fade away after 5 seconds. 
If that's not good, maybe just find it in the source and change that to 0 or 1 second. Instead of going to 11, you could go to 1. Smile
Using a NUC7PJYHN and a 2820FYKH0 Intel NUC running LibreELEC, and two FireTVs.:)
But this goes to 11... ;-)
Hello.  I have been using Kodi with the Metropolis skin for a few years now.  I really like the look and functionality.

I have 2 NVIDIA Shield TV (2017) units that I have Kodi installed on.  As most people are aware, there was an Android update near the beginning of January 2021 (at least on one of my units).

Due to the above mentioned update, I was forced to update my Kodi to 19.3 due to the version that I was using was incompatible with the NVIDIA/Android update.

I uninstalled my current version of Kodi and installed Kodi 19.3.  Then I installed the Metropolis add-on and continued to setup Kodi to my liking.

One of the things that I configure is the Home Menu via Settings/Interface/Skin-Configure Skin/Home Options/Home Furniture. Within this section I set the Weather forecast (using Gismeteo for weather) as the Widget for all Home Menu items with the exception to the Shutdown item.

When viewing the Home menu and Movies or Weather is selected, the weather displayed at the bottom of the screen left of the clock is displayed correctly.  


If anything else is selected, the weather will be displayed but there seems to be an image trying to load over the weather.


I did play around with the skin to see if I could figure it out.  When I select to display the widget when focused, it all seems to work as expected when the widget is focused (no image overlay attempt on any menu item).  As soon as I deselect the Hide Widgets until focused, it behaves as stated above.

Is anyone else having this issue?  Is there a setting that I am missing?
Looks like the wrong conditional for the image in in one of the list widgets, the text seems to be behaving correctly but I'll have to test to make sure.
I can recreate the bug, but not at first, when I first changed it from the tv widget to the weather widget it worked correctly, it was later that it started showing the image on top.
It will take me a bit to find it, but I'll see what I can do.

Using a NUC7PJYHN and a 2820FYKH0 Intel NUC running LibreELEC, and two FireTVs.:)
Hi @MacGyver

I appreciate you looking into this.

I just updated another machine yesterday with a brand new Kodi 19.3 install with the Metropolis skin.  I played around a bit and chose 4 different widgets.  The following are the results:
  1. Select Widget/Video Library/TV Shows/Use as Widget:  this results in the TV Shows being listed but no image (Image Not Available)
  2. Select Widget/Video Library/TV Shows/Genre/Use as Widget:  this results in the Genre's being listed but no image (Image Not Available)
  3. Select Widget/Video Library/Recently Added/Use as Widget:  This appears to work correctly.  Shows listed and appropriate poster art is displayed
  4. Select Widget/Video Library/In Progress/Use as Widget:  This appears to work correctly.  Shows listed and appropriate poster art is displayed
One other item that I noticed (referencing my posted pics above) is that if I don't include a widget in the Movies and then Weather for TV Shows and the others, the TV Shows widget works correctly.

I was using the TV Shows as my test.  I suspect that the results would be the same regardless of which of the affected menu items I chose.  If this turns out to be different, I will post accordingly.

I hope the above helps you some in figuring this out.
(2022-01-30, 18:34)MacGyver Wrote: but I'll see what I can do.
Do you think you can check this at the same time...
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(2022-01-30, 20:49)Trailblazer Wrote: Hi @MacGyver

I appreciate you looking into this.

So I traced it out, it's the visibility condition in this element in script-skinshortcuts-includes.xml (around line 5051):
        <control type="image">
            <visible>String.IsEqual(Container(9000).ListItem.Property(submenuVisibility),tvshows) | String.IsEqual(Container(9000).ListItem.Property(submenuVisibility),num-1036)</visible>
            <animation effect="fade" start="100" end="0" time="0">Hidden</animation>
            <animation effect="fade" start="0" end="100" time="200" delay="100">Visible</animation>
            <aspectratio align="right" aligny="center">keep</aspectratio>
            <bordertexture border="6">frames/thumb_border_round.png</bordertexture>
            <texture diffuse="frames/EpisodeMatte.png">$VAR[GlobalWidgetIcon]</texture>
            <visible>[![Skin.HasSetting(Home2) | Skin.HasSetting(Home3)] + !Skin.HasSetting(HideUnfocusedWidgets)] | Control.HasFocus(8000)</visible>

It basically needs a "not if the weather widget as been assigned to the menu item" equivalent added to the second line.
Let's see if jingai can chime in with the correct syntax first, otherwise I'm going to have to re-learn how SkinShortcuts works again (it has been almost 2 years since I looked at that portion of code).
Using a NUC7PJYHN and a 2820FYKH0 Intel NUC running LibreELEC, and two FireTVs.:)
(2022-01-30, 21:20)Karellen Wrote: Do you think you can check this at the same time...

I'm a little rusty on my coding, but I think I tracked it down too.
Using a NUC7PJYHN and a 2820FYKH0 Intel NUC running LibreELEC, and two FireTVs.:)
Hello MacGyver, 

with the Metropolis skin (Kodi 19, RPI 3 and 4) there is a bug since a few months - when videos are running, they flicker as soon as you see the small preview window in the main menu. This was not the case before. Is it possible to fix this?

Here I have recorded the flickering that occurs on all our devices:
Hello.  I am just wondering if there has been any progress on the Weather widget "IMAGE NOT AVAILABLE" issue described above.  I am suspecting the this remains outstanding as I have just installed Kodi 20 with Metropolis 4.1.0.  The issue is also occurring with that version.

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Metropolis 4.0b1 for Kodi 190