How to manage mixed fanart configuration (Kodi-18 & Kodi-19 style)
In my media library the extra-fanarts are stored using the following structure:

1) Kodi-18 Style


2) Kodi-18 experimental / Kodi-19 Style


In Transparency! the fanart slideshow is working properly for the style 1) but is not working for the new Kodi-19 style.
Since Kodi will remain available only for Kodi-18 I'd like to be able to keep this mixed structure, but I don't know how to solve the problem.

In  "Includes_Workarounds.xml" I tried to apply the following change

<imagepath fallback=$INFO[ListItem.Path] background="true">$INFO[ListItem.Path]extrafanart/</imagepath>

The idea is that if T! don't finf the extrafanart folder will falback to the ListItem.Path, but this solution is not working.

Do you have any suggestion ?

There shouldn't be an issue keeping both the extrafanart folders for T! and the fanart duplicates in the root of the movie folder for other skins, other than the space they take up. I know this is not what you wanted to hear, but after the post was left a few days without a response... you got my two cents.

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How to manage mixed fanart configuration (Kodi-18 & Kodi-19 style)0
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