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Beta Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection
Is this working with nexus?
Yes. There is lack of some new subtitle settings for now, but maybe sometime I will add this.
Currently, adding your repo to source and installing from zip instantly crashes Kodi Nexus stable.
Hi, first thank you for this amazing work, I loved this skin. But there is a problem since last update, even under Leia, there is no background in home menu, it has been reported on github, but there is no answer https://github.com/heppen7/skin.arctic.z.../issues/66

I have designed Kodi on a Firestick 4k Max with the Arctic Zephyr Resurrection skin. I made a copy of kodi (using Kodi's backup program) to put on another of my devices. However, although everything is copied, the Arctic Zephyr skin appears without the design that I had done on the other device. I have used the same version on both computers, Kodi 19.5.

How can I solve that? What is the most effective method to make copies and have my design appear on another device?

Is it possible to have something like this for the submenus in horizontal mode, because the current one is really buggy and unusable it keeps switching back and fort. Also is it possible to have Text + Icons in Horizontal Mode ? Currently you can only do text only or icons only. Here is the example of the sub menus its from Aura Mod:

(2023-01-18, 15:28)heppen Wrote: Yes. There is lack of some new subtitle settings for now, but maybe sometime I will add this.

Since Kodi v20 is now officially out, I really hope you will have time to add the Nexus color picker to this skin. Keeping my fingers crossed Big Grin
Still by far the best skin, Im very happy to hear you will still work on it with version 20.
No other skin come close to the customization of this skin.
(2023-01-21, 11:43)jeivi2 Wrote: How can I solve that? What is the most effective method to make copies and have my design appear on another device?
Addons / Media / Userdata folders in the Kodi directory
Copy these folders from the Kodi directory to somewhere like a USB drive, NAS etc.
Install Kodi onto a new device, delete these folders in the new device Kodi directory, copy these folders into the new device Kodi directory

Also a good way to backup your settings on a regular basis by just copying these folders from Kodi to somewhere
(2023-01-20, 10:03)Albert Einstein Wrote: Hi, first thank you for this amazing work, I loved this skin. But there is a problem since last update, even under Leia, there is no background in home menu, it has been reported on github, but there is no answer https://github.com/heppen7/skin.arctic.z.../issues/66

Hi, I have the same error. Is there a way to download an old version that doesn't have this problem?
Hello! I just discovered this skin and I like it a lot! I only have one issue with it and that is the handling of the age ratings.

I’m using TinyMediaManager and it’s Long age rating format. Usually the Kodi skins recognize one of the ratings in the string and use it.

AZ2R just displays the whole string and this looks a little bit messy:


Is there anything I can do about?
(2023-01-18, 15:28)heppen Wrote: Yes. There is lack of some new subtitle settings for now, but maybe sometime I will add this.

Sorry for quoting you, but I wanted to get your attention.

Let me just say that I'm grateful someone is still keeping up with this skin. I wanted to send an idea your way.

Something that's always bugged me about every single Kodi skin I've tried is there is never an option to have a music-centric look. The music playback screens have tiny cover art and lyrics and corny visualizations. So I've been playing around with includes_OSD.xml for probably about a year now. With some input and assistance from this community, I've finally got it looking the way I want. Here's a screenshot.


I really don't know what I'm doing when it comes to skinning. I managed to get lucky by getting it to look like this. Something you can't see is if a title is longer than its container, it will scroll.

Is this something you'd be willing to integrate in an official capacity for those of us who use Kodi primarily for music? Maybe implement the option to have the album artwork's position switch between left justified/centred/right justified? Have blurred album artwork as the background, with the ability to turn it off and on?

Overall, I really like the way this looks, and I'm sure others who use Kodi mostly for music would as well. If you're interested, send me a message and I can show you the changes I've made.
Unable to update the addon to the latest version on Kodi Nexus and CoreELEC 20, please help...
Hi All,

Quick question - does anyone know which file I need to modify to change the view type for movie Sets?

Thanks in advance.

LG OLED55BX6LB, Zidoo Z1000 Pro (ZDMC 20.2 Arctic Zephyr 2 Resurrection), Yamaha RX-A3060, Polk Signature Fronts & Centre, Wharfedale D300 Atmos surrounds, Heco Victa Prime Sub 252A, DSPeaker Antimode 8033 Cinema
Hello everyone, has someone tried to install this skin recently? Heppen github page is down, and the repository can be installed but cant connect.
I love Heppen's work, and I don't have any kodi files with the skin installed. Does anyone know any other way to get his work, or it's lost forever.

Have a good day!
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